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Savings Bundles

Grid with Indigo Bunting, White Ibis, and Scarlet Tanager
Basics of Bird ID Learn the basics of bird ID and bring your skills to the next level with expert tips, techniques, interactive quizzes, and exclusive learning tools.
For 3 Courses
  • Be a Better Birder 1: Size and Shape
  • Be a Better Birder 2: Color and Pattern
  • Bird Song Basics: Getting Started with Birding by Ear
Attracting and Learning Backyard Birds Learn to create beautiful, bird-friendly spaces and get to know the birds in your backyard using our ID tips and bird body language
For 2 Courses
  • Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior
  • Growing Wild: Gardening for Birds and Nature
Getting Started with Birding Get all the tools, tips and inspiration you need to appreciate the birds in your area, and use our expert tips for tricky IDs.
For 2 Courses
  • Joy of Birdwatching
  • Feeder Birds: Identification and Behavior
grid with Peregrin falcon and Wilson warbler
Better Bird ID: Warblers & Raptors Our most comprehensive and popular ID courses give you all the techniques and practice tools needed for warblers and raptors in the continental U.S. and Canada.
For 2 Courses
  • Be a Better Birder: Hawk and Raptor Identification
  • Be a Better Birder: Warbler Identification
collage with loons, crow, and owl in a grid
Birds That Wow Us Discover the diversity, behavior, abilities, and social lives of the birds that “wow” us, and confidently interpret new behaviors when you see them.
For 3 Courses
  • Anything but Common: The Hidden Life of the American Crow
  • The Wonderful World of Owls
  • Understanding Bird Behavior
grid with Bohemian waxwing and close-up of a drawing
Mindfulness in Nature Begin an immersive and mindful journey as you unlock the benefits of well-being by paying attention to birds and nature.
For 2 Courses
  • Joy of Birdwatching
  • Nature Journaling and Field Sketching