
  • Empowering Bioacoustics Research in Southeast Asia

    The K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics recently collaborated with the Conservation Media group at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology on a film about bioacoustics research by three members of our Center.

    This 12-minute film profiles community-led research and capacity building projects…

  • LEAFA Blogs and Updates

    Join us and learn more about the news and updates about the Locally-led East Asian Flyway Acoustics (LEAFA) program. These blogs highlights the collective work of our collaborators and partners from 5 countries across 17 sites in The East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF).

  • Visitors: Summer & Autumn 2024

    This season has been busy, with over 13 visiting students and early career researchers (including our first cohort of Katie Payne Fellows) from Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Indonesia, Norway, Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Scotland, and Spain!

  • Figure 5. HALO team up on the flying bridge; Observers clockwise from the lower left: Leigh Torres, Marissa Garcia, Craig Hayslip, Miranda Mayhall, Holger Klinck.
    The First Voyage of the HALO Project

    There is nothing quite like the excitement of starting a fresh project, and the newly organized Holistic Assessment of Living marine resources off the Oregon coast (HALO) project team was alive with it on 8 October as we prepared our various elements of research gear aboard the R/V Pacific Storm in the Newport bayfront.

  • Using Artificial Intelligence to Study Natural Environments

    In rainforests many animals are nearly invisible, but not all are silent. Rainforests click, whirr, and hum with the sound of life. Like heartbeats offer clues to doctors, these sounds convey endless information about the life of forests, capturing the…