
  • Welcome Aboard – the R/V Jaeger

    You may know that the long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) is a pelagic seabird that spends most of its life offshore; or you may know that “Jäger” is German for “hunter”; you may not know that the research vessel R/V Jaeger…

  • Visitors: Summer & Autumn 2024

    This season has been busy, with over 13 visiting students and early career researchers (including our first cohort of Katie Payne Fellows) from Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Indonesia, Norway, Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Scotland, and Spain!

  • Using Artificial Intelligence to Study Natural Environments

    In rainforests many animals are nearly invisible, but not all are silent. Rainforests click, whirr, and hum with the sound of life. Like heartbeats offer clues to doctors, these sounds convey endless information about the life of forests, capturing the…

  • The Right Tool for the Job

    Acoustic ecology is a complex field, made simpler by the use of equipment that is (1) sturdy, (2) small, (3) portable, and (4) affordable. During my master’s degree, I remember a professor saying that oceanographers prided themselves on sinking heavy…

  • The Return from Dzanga

    Who knew that the feeling of one lone ant crawling across the back of my neck could transport me over 10,000 kilometers in a single moment. With my eyes closed and my face tipped up towards the sun, I felt…