Empowering Bioacoustics Research in Southeast Asia
The K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics recently collaborated with the Conservation Media group at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology on a film about bioacoustics research by three members of our Center.
This 12-minute film profiles community-led research and capacity building projects by Dr.’s Ben Mirin, Wendy Erb, and Dena Clink. These include Dr. Mirin’s dissertation research on the Indonesian songbird trade, Dr. Erb’s bioacoustics work around the formation of Indonesia’s new capital city in East Kalimantan, and the team’s collective efforts toward the first Bioacoustics Equipment and Training (BEAT) Program and SIMBA conference in Southeast Asia.
The film was created with a free and prior informed consent process and community review during post-production, and features local collaborators including the Yang Center’s first cohort of Payne Fellows.