Isha Bopardikar
I am PhD student studying cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) at IISER Tirupati in India and a visiting student at the Yang Center. I have been studying marine mammals in India since 2014. My first project using acoustics funded by the UNDP involved describing the vocal repertoire of humpback dolphins from the west coast of India. This study also marked my very first visit to the Yang Center in 2015 to attend the Sound Analysis Workshop.
My current study focuses on using passive acoustic monitoring to estimate the population of humpback dolphins and finless porpoises along a region off the west coast of India. Both species have a strong preference for shallow coastal waters, which places them right in the middle of intense anthropogenic pressures, from unregulated fisheries operations to chemical and noise pollution. Despite growing concerns, data on the ecology of both species are scarce all along the Indian coastline. My goal is to develop a framework using acoustics to answer these broad-scale ecological questions for cetacean populations. My ultimate aim is to make these approaches easy to implement, especially in areas that lack trained manpower and logistical support. Apart from being out on surveys trying to look for finless porpoises, I also enjoy science education and outreach activities with local communities.
Year Hired : 2017
Contact Information Email:
Degree: MSc (Oceanography) University of Mumbai, 2013
Recent Publications
D’Souza, M.L.
et al. (2023) ‘Arabian Sea Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Singing Activity off Netrani Island, India’,
Aquatic Mammals , 49(3), pp. 223–235. Available at: .
Bopardikar , I.
et al. (2018) ‘Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (
Sousa plumbea ) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India’,
Marine Mammal Science [Preprint]. Available at: