Visitors: Summer & Autumn 2024

We collaborate with many national and international researchers in the field of bioacoustics. As part of these collaborations, we regularly host students and other scientists in Ithaca, NY.

This season has been busy, with over 13 visiting students and early career researchers (including our first cohort of Katy Payne Fellows) from Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Indonesia, Norway, Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Scotland, and Spain!

If you have funding and are interested in visiting in the future, please read more here and reach out.

Katharine B. Payne Fellows

Esther Adinda

Gbenou Justin Didolanvi

Junaydy “Jun” Michael Angelo Ginting


At the Yang Center, I am developing a gorilla vocalization detector using the convolutional neural network (CNN). This project is a follow-up to my thesis project where I used ML.

In my free time, I like to listen to music. I don’t really have a preference on the type of music, I like music that resonates well in my ear. I’m passionate about football, in fact when I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a great football player. I also like weekend outings with friends and a lot of travel.

Other Visiting Students & Researchers

Bruna Andrade

Frelcia Bien Dorvillon BAMBI

Greta Jankauskaite

Indah Sartika Sari

I am a hugger, especially hugging trees, but can hug humans too.

Josephine Nell Schulze

Onesi Samba

Patrícia Paludo

My areas of interest include Ornithology, Bioacoustics, Education, and Diversity and Decoloniality in science.

in my free time, I enjoy reading literature, exploring academic readings in the humanities, embroidering, crocheting, walking, cycling, or simply drinking chimarrão (a traditional South American tea made from yerba mate).

Safira Núbia Dias de Melo

Thomas Webber