2024 Philanthropy: Sapsucker Woods Society and Honor and Memorial Tributes

Special Thanks to All Our Supporters

We are deeply grateful to our members and donors at every level, all of whom make it possible for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to advance the understanding of nature and engage people of all ages in learning about birds and protecting the planet. Here, we are pleased to recognize Sapsucker Woods Society members and honor and memorial tributes.

To search for a specific name, type Ctrl-F (Cmd-F on a Mac). Download a PDF version of this list. This page is a supplement to the 2024 Annual Report.

Sapsucker Woods Society

Mrs. Marilyn Ackley 

Mr. Sal Acosta and Ms. Suzanne Hutchinson 

Estate of Ms. Judi Acre 

Estate of Mr. Charles S. Adams 

Ms. Louise Addis 

Ms. Diane Adkin 

Ms. Pam B. Ailstock 

Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Aines 

Ms. Aline Akelis 

Albrecht Estate 

Ms. Oona Aldrich 

Mr. Louis A. Alexander 

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Alexander 

Dr. Rebecca Weems and Mr. Roger C. Allen 

Mrs. Linda E. Allen 

Russell and Barbara Allison 

Ms. Janet Allison 

Ms. Sharon Allred 

Mrs. Nancy Alpert 

Estate of Mrs. Helga N. Alten 

Elizabeth Alton and Raymond Barnes 

Joyce Alton 

Estate of Elwin F. Anderson 

Mrs. Ruth L. Anderson 

Dr. Charles M. Anderson 

Ms. Debra Anderson 

Estate of Bertha Andrew 

Mrs. Patricia L. Angotti 

Estate of Mrs. Sue D. Ansley 

Estate of Mrs. Susan G. Archibald 

Estate of Dr. Rudolf G. Arndt 

Bill and Katherine Atterbury 

Estate of Terry Auld 

Estate of Ms. Anne Aversa 

Mary Jane and William Bagby 

Estate of Hilton Bailey 

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bailey 

Ms. Judith M. Bajoris 

Ms. Beth A. Baker 

Ms. Madge Baker 

Dr. Laurie Balagurchik 

Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Bald 

David Banks 

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barkey 

Ms. Dianne Barnes 

Dr. Christine A. Barney 

Ms. Bonnie F. Barrett 

Estate of Ms. Marjorie L. Barrows 

Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Barry 

Estate of Ms. Margaret R. Barton 

Dr. Patricia L. Bates 

Mrs. Karen F. Beall 

Ms. June Becker 

Estate of Mrs. John Wilhelmine Behnken 

Estate of Mrs. Dorothy W. Bell 

Ms. Barbara A. Bell 

Lori and Craig Belling 

Estate of Mr. Bruce R. Bender 

Richard Benning 

Ms. Rachel Benton 

Ms. Christina Bertea 

Mrs. Brenda J. Best 

Mr. Richard Bierregaard and Ms. Catherine Dolan 

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Bilak and Family 

Dr. Selena Billington 

Mr. Jeffrey C. Blalock 

Mrs. Janet Blam 

Ms. Lourdes Blanco 

Mr. Richard Blanke 

Ms. Helen Blohm 

Ms. Dorothea Blom 

Ms. Marie Bocca 

Mrs. Alida Bockino 

Greg and Linda Bodker 

Mr. Ulrich E. Boesch 

Ms. Susan D. Boettger 

Estate of Mrs. James C. H. Bonbright 

Ms. Mary Bonde 

Estate of Ms. Linda E. Bown 

Estate of Mrs. Virginia M. Boyd 

Mr. Stevan Brad 

Estate of Ms. Marilyn Breakey 

Estate of Ms. Ann Bregman 

Ms. Enid Breisblatt 

Joan Brenchley-Jackson 

Sandra and Jeff Bricker 

Estate of Ms. Arloene Brinkmeyer 

Ms. Marilyn Bromley 

Dr. Lynne Brookes and Dr. Derrick Grimmer 

Ms. Irene Brown 

Ms. Cori A. Brown 

Ms. Becky A. Brown 

Ms. Patricia M. Brown 

Dr. Robert E. Brown 

William and Evelyn Browne 

Estate of Ms. Betty A. Bruhns 

Mr. Gregory Brumfield 

Mrs. Nancy D. Brundage 

Ms. Donita Buchheit 

Mr. Steven Buck 

Ms. Carol Burgoa and Mr. James Gonsman 

Ms. Michele Burlew and Mr. John Bauhs 

Ms. Gretchen L. Burmeister 

Scott and Linda Burnet 

Estate of Miss Frances Lowell Burnett 

Ms. Colette A. Burrus 

Ms. Katey Buster 

Ms. Kathryn E. Cade 

Kathryn Cafiero 

Mr. John P. Cahill 

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Call 

Jean M. Callihan 

Estate of Mrs. Mary Josephine Campbell 

Estate of Ms. Eleanor R. Campbell 

Ms. Susan Campbell 

Dr. Jackie Canterbury 

Mr. Jeffrey Caplan 

Mr. Richard C. Carlson 

Estate of Dr. Alvin R. Carpenter 

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carpenter 

Mr. Fred Carr 

Carol and Daniel Cash 

Estate of Ms. Kathaleen A. Cattieu 

Estate of Mr. Dwight R. Chamberlain 

Rich Chambers and Bonnie McGregor 

Ms. June Chastain 

Mr. James H. Cheatham 

Ms. Cindy Chow 

Estate of Ms. Joyce W. Cima 

Ms. Deborah Cipolla-Dennis 

Estate of Ms. Susan P. Clancy 

Clarann Estate 

Jeff and Margot Clark 

Pamela and Robert Clark 

Ms. Judy Clark 

Mr. Paul Clarke and Dr. Catherine McFadden 

Ms. Courtney Clarkson and Mr. Roy Leggitt 

Dr. Julie A. Clayman 

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clinton 

Ms. Cindy Cobb 

Dr. and Mrs. Royal D. Colle 

Ms. Patricia Collins 

Ms. Joy L. Collura 

Estate of Ms. Joyce F. Colwell 

Dr. and Mrs. John K. Colwell 

Ms. Michelle A. Connole 

Ms. Vicci Conway 

Clay and Susan Cook 

Ms. Pauline Cooper 

Ms. Beth C. Cooper 

Julia Corbett 

Ms. Joan Cordle 

Dr. Suzanne Core 

Estate of Mrs. Mary E. Cost 

Estate of Mr. William Powell Cottrille 

Ms. Cathy Cowan and Ms. Susan Edmiston 

Elaine Cowley 

Ms. Carol A. Coy 

Estate of Mrs. Virginia R. Crocker 

Ms. Barbara Crowell 

Estate of Ms. Ruth Cummings 

Mr. Howard E. Cunningham III 

Richard and Bonna Cunningham 

Mrs. Ann Currens 

Estate of Mrs. Rhoda Curtiss 

William and Mary Cyzewski 

Mr. Steve Dake 

Ms. Cornelia Daley and Mr. Phil Cowan 

Mr. Michael Damer 

Estate of Ms. Louise F. Davis 

Estate of Mr. Lyle E. Davis 

Estate of Ms. Martha E. Day 

Estate of Mr. Vernon D. Dayhoff 

Ms. Alicia de Bielefeld 

Ms. Maya J. Decker 

Estate of Ms. Nancy A. deGroff 

Ms. Margaret della Cioppa 

Vicki and Harry DeLoach 

Ms. Jill Portia Dery 

Ms. Anne Detweiler 

Estate of Mrs. Ruth D. Dillon 

Ms. Donna DiMauro 

Ms. Nancy Doherty 

Ms. Jenn Doman 

Leonard and Lynn Dommin 

Estate of Ms. Doris B. Donk 

Ms. Annette Dorsky 

Alan and Ann Doty 

Ms. Margaret S. Douglas 

Mr. John Dudlak 

Ann and David Duey 

Lyn DuMoulin 

Ms. Joanne Dyroff 

Mary Katherine Eade 

Mr. and Mrs. V. Richard Eales 

Estate of Helen R. Early 

Ms. Barbara Early 

Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Eaton 

Ms. Janice Eckhardt 

Estate of Mr. Michael B. Eddy 

Estate of Norma Edsall 

Ms. Susan J. Egloff 

Estate of Ms. Frances J. Ehlers 

Mr. Robert S. Eidem 

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Eiserer 

Ms. Bonnie S. Elliot 

Mr. Daniel Ellison 

Estate of Mrs. George B. Emeny 

Estate of Mrs. Nanci Endliss 

Ms. Dianne Engleke 

Estate of Mrs. Barbara Erling 

Ms. Louisa B. Evers 

Dr. David N. Ewert 

Ms. Marcia R. Exter 

Estate of Ms. Diane M. Fairchild 

Ms. Maria Lana Fallas 

Ms. Johanna Fallert 

Mr. Don Fallon 

Mrs. LeMoyne Farrell 

Ms. Lisa A. Farrell 

Ms. Meryl A. Faulkner 

Estate of Ms. Elizabeth E. Fay 

Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Fead 

Ms. Susan K. Feagin 

Mr. Gary Ferdinand 

Ms. Cynthia L. Ferguson 

Ms. Rita Fernando 

Estate of Rita M. Fetter 

Estate of Dr. Millicent S. Ficken 

Estate of Ms. June M. Ficker 

Ms. Sandy Fiebelkorn 

Mr. David M. Fiedler 

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Finkelmeier 

Alisa and Bruce Firehock 

Ms. Rose Fisk 

Mrs. Janet T. Fitzpatrick 

Ms. Jane Fleetwood 

Ms. Jane Fleitman 

Estate of Mr. Robert T. Foote ‘39 

Ms. Janice Forguson 

Tom Foster 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster 

Marcia S. Fowler M.D. 

Ms. Carol Frank 

Judi Frank 

Dr. Kathy Freas 

Ms. Adele Freeland 

Estate of Mr. William F. Fuerst Jr. 

H. Laurance and Nancy Fuller 

Mr. George Games 

Mr. Robert Garbacz 

Mrs. Elisabeth R. Garland 

Estate of Mrs. Esther B. Garnsey 

Estate of Mr. Donald P. Garrett 

Ms. Elisabeth Gause 

Ms. Angelika Geiger 

Ms. Linda Gerding 

James and Catherine Gero 

James A. and Deborah C. Gessaman 

Ms. Nan Gile 

Ms. Paula Gills 

Estate of Edgar Gilson 

Steven and Linda Gilstrap 

Tonya Gisselberg 

Estate of Ms. Ruth Glass 

Vincent and Anne Marie Glaviano 

Ms. Mary E. Gleason 

Mr. Brett Gleitsmann 

Estate of Ms. Debra Glen 

Mrs. Emily R. Glover 

Ms. Mary Goldsby 

Estate of Mrs. Doris Goldstein 

Estate of Ms. Barbara W. Gomez 

Estate of Mrs. Marie Gons 

Ms. Barbara J. Goodchild 

Estate of Ms. Greta Gordon 

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon 

Ms. Arleen Goscinski 

Mr. Gary Gossman 

Ms. Antonia H. Govoni 

Ms. Rebecca Graham 

Mrs. Holly Graham 

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Grainger 

Mr. William Grant 

Mr. and Mrs. David Graves 

Estate of Mr. Alfred H. Gray 

Mrs. Dianne Gray 

Dot and Mike Green 

Ms. Meryl Greenblatt and Mr. Bob Nirkind 

Mr. Mark Greenfield 

Ms. Julia A. Gregory 

Estate of Mr. William Anson Grover Sr. 

Ms. Joan M. Guerin 

Robert W. and Christine J. Guth 

M. Guthrie 

Kenneth and Jean Haas 

Ms. Catherine Hagen 

Estate of Alan and Laurie Hahn 

Ms. Diane Halasz 

Estate of Dr. and Mrs. T. Richard Halberstadt 

Ms. Cricket Halsey 

Ms. Helene Hamilton 

Mrs. Sally Hammond 

Estate of Mr. Thomas M. Hampson 

Ms. Marilyn Hampton 

Mrs. Joan Handelmann 

Estate of Ms. Hazel E. Hanley 

Estate of Ms. Dolores M. Hansen 

Ms. Birdie L. Hanson 

Estate of Mrs. Suzanne O. Happeny 

Estate of Ms. Marjorie Harbin 

Mr. Arthur Harlow and Ms. Mary Gianninni 

Estate of Mr. Roger J. Harmon 

Ms. April L. Harris 

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris 

Estate of Ms. Frances Y. Harrison 

Estate of Ms. Brenda V. Harrison 

Peter and Diane Hart 

Helene and Cory Hart 

Estate of Mr. Duncan Hartley 

Lynn Hartmann and Mary Johnson 

Ms. Lynn Hassler 

Estate of Mr. Gerry Haviland 

Larry and Marcia Hawk 

Mrs. Diane Hawkins 

Mr. Larry Emerson Hawkins 

Estate of Dr. Adadot D. Hayes 

Ms. Lisa Hayes 

Ms. Anne G. Haynes 

Mr. Jeff Hayward and Ms. Madeline Etkin 

Mrs. Margaret Hazlett 

Estate of Sheila Harrah Hearne 

Mr. Louis S. Hegedus 

Estate of Harry Heidt 

Ms. Patricia Heirs 

Ms. and Mr. Jeanne Held-Warmkessel 

Estate of Ms. Phyllis Henney 

Joseph D. Henninger 

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Henry 

Dr. and Ms. Michael Henry 

Estate of Ms. Gerdika Hesche-Elberfeld 

Mr. Daniel F. Hewins 

Ms. Barbara Hiaasen 

Estate of Ms. Margaret B. Hicklin 

Ms. A.C. Hickox 

Mr. John B. Higgins 

Mrs. Jane F. Hills 

Dr. Linda J. Himot 

Estate of Mrs. Leona S. Hine 

Estate of Ms. Mary Pick Hines 

Mr. Raymond Hinkle 

Estate of Mr. Frederick Hoch 

Ms. Heather Hodges 

Ms. Marcia K. Hoebreckx 

Ms. Monica Hoel 

Ms. Sally Hoffman 

Mrs. Katherine Holland 

Dr. H.J. Holshuh and Ms. Susan Leverton 

Ms. Lisa R. Holzapfel 

Ms. Ruth Lynn Hooper 

Estate of Mrs. Theodora W. Hooton 

Ms. Patricia Hoppe 

Ms. Jean A. Horton 

Mrs. Sharon Hosley 

Dr. and Mrs. George A. Housley Jr. 

Dr. Judith Howard and Ms. Chris Fisher 

Ms. Beverly Howe 

Estate of Sharon Slaton Howell 

Ms. Candi Hubert 

Mrs. Karin I. Humanik 

Ms. Cynthia Hupper 

Estate of Mr. John Huppler 

Stanley Hurst 

Rebecca and Mark Husted 

Estate of James and Roberta Hutchison 

Ms. Marti Ikehara 

Mr. Bernard F. Iliff 

Thomas and Patsy Inglet 

Ms. Fran Ingram 

Estate of Mr. William N. Jackson 

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jackson 

Ms. Pat Jamieson 

Ms. Conny Jamison 

Mr. John Janerich 

Estate of Mr. Isidor Jeklin 

Carlyn and Tom Jervis 

Dr. Sarah Jessee 

Estate of Ms. Leslie F. Johnson 

Estate of Mrs. Imogene Powers Johnson 

Mr. Steven H. Johnson 

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnson 

Mr. Richard Johnston 

Dr. Sheldon H. Jacobson and Dr. Janet Jokela 

Ms. Nora W. Jones 

David N. Jordan and Maureen M. Jordan 

Mr. James R. Jordan 

Estate of Mrs. Judith M. Joy 

Ms. Sarah Joy 

Beth Elisa Juliar 

Indulis and Teresa Kalnins 

Mr. Michael J. Kalscheur 

Mrs. Judith M. Kay 

Ms. Frances Keenan 

Mrs. Patricia Kelcourse 

Ms. Margaret Keller 

Gerald Kellett 

Estate of Mrs. Blanche Kelly 

Ms. Holly Kennedy Romano 

Dr. Stephen Kent and Dr. Rachel Kent 

Kestrel Haven Migration Observatory 

Mr. David Keyes and Ms. Penelope Hillemann 

Mrs. Myra Kreiman Kijek 

Estate of Ms. Eve G. Kingsland 

Dr. Ilene J. Klein 

Dr. Linda Kleinhenz 

Estate of Dr. Cyrus Klingsberg 

Mr. Mark Kloberg and Ms. Jill Arsenault 

Ms. Karen L. Klomparens 

Ms. Donna M. Knapp 

Estate of Mrs. T. Spencer Knight 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Knox 

Mr. John Kornack and Mrs. Beverly Kornack 

Mr. James G. Kralik 

Estate of Dr. Samuel Kramer 

Estate of Linda F. Kramer 

Mr. Jeffrey Kramer 

Estate of Mr. Harold E. Kubly 

Estate of Mr. Alfred P. Kuehlewind 

Dr. Ned F. Kuehn 

Ms. Barbara C. Kyse 

Craig Lahr 

Allison Laird 

Mr. Stephen Lang 

Mr. Norman C. Lantz 

Kim Larrabee and Robert J. Maietta 

Patricia J. Larson and Peter F. Saunders 

Estate of Mr. Robert J. Laskowski 

Ms. Katharina M. Lauer 

Linda D. Law and Marsha K. Heitzman 

Ms. Louise Lawrence 

Howard and Sydney Leach 

Joan M. LeBel M.D. 

Mr. Jerry Ledbetter and Ms. Merikay Waldvogel 

Estate of Marian Legg 

Ms. Lucie Lehmann 

Estate of Mr. Eugene A. Leinroth Jr. 

Mrs. Antonia Lenstra 

Ms. Jennifer Leon 

Mrs. Martha V. Leonard 

Estate of Ms. Mary P. Lester 

Estate of Dr. Carol Letendre 

Dr. Joyce I. Levy 

Ms. Marjorie Lewin 

Estate of Ms. Bertha A. Lewis 

Ms. Cheryl Lewis 

Ms. Sarah S. Lewis 

Estate of Mr. Herbert F. Lightner 

Eric and Constance Lincke 

Estate of Mrs. Janelle W. Lindhorst 

Ms. Brenda Linfield 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haughton Livesey III 

Pat and John Lloyd 

Ms. Garlene Logan 

Ms. Catherine Lomuscio 

Ms. Nancy L. Long 

Janette Loomis 

Estate of Dr. Bill P. Lovejoy 

Ms. Margaret A. Lowmiller 

Estate of Ms. Patricia K. Luiken 

Mrs. Paula Lupina 

Estate of Mr. C. James Luther 

Estate of Mrs. Madeline Lutz 

Ms. Eva Lydick 

Mrs. Linda R. Macaulay 

Estate of Mr. John MacConnell 

Estate of Mr. John Gordon MacIntyre 

Estate of Mrs. Carol L. Mackay 

Mr. James Mackinder 

Ms. Deirdre MacNeil 

Estate of Mr. J. De Navarre Macomb Jr. 

Ms. Susan K. Madson 

Estate of Ms. Martha Magill 

Estate of Ms. Janice Lynn Mahlberg 

Ms. Georgia Mally 

Jayne Markiewicz and Tami Boyer 

Estate of Mrs. Jan E. Marshall 

Ms. Ruth E. Marshall 

William and Nancy Marshall 

Robert H. and Patricia A. Martin 

Estate of Ms. Donna J. Martinson 

Estate of Ms. Marion Mascari 

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Mason 

Ms. Laurie Mattenson 

Ms. Mary Mauel 

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory May 

Estate of Ms. Ann M. Mayer 

Estate of Ms. Melody J. Mayer 

Ms. Claudia Mayfield 

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Mayhew 

Mr. William McCarthy 

Elizabeth S. McCloskey 

Estate of Mr. Richard G. McClung 

Estate of Ms. Betty L. McCurdy 

Estate of Ms. Carol McDonald 

Estate of Mr. Everett G. McDonough Jr. 

Estate of Ms. Margaret J. McDowell 

Winifred P. McDowell 

Estate of Dr. Ann J. McGarvey D.D.S. 

Mr. Robert McGill 

Ms. Kathleen A. McGinley 

Estate of Ms. Marjorie McGranahan 

Estate of Mrs. Shirley Stewart McGrath 

Tara and John McGraw 

Estate of Herb McGrew 

Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth A. McLaren 

Mrs. Roberta McLemore 

Ms. Jane McPherson 

Ms. Carol McQuade 

Mr. Michael Mecham 

Mr. James Mellon and Ms. Barbara Valenti 

Estate of Mr. Earl Menefee 

Ms. Anita Merrigan 

Mr. John P. Merrill 

Ms. Lynn L. Merrill 

Estate of Ms. R. Rosalie Metzger 

Estate of Catherine B. Meyer 

Ms. Marinia Michalec 

Mr. Joseph Mihalovich 

Mr. John Miller 

Ms. Barbara Miller 

Ms. Stella Miller 

Catherine and Carl Miller 

Estate of Ms. Anita Mills 

Todd Minehardt and Elizabeth Cafferky 

Mr. Doug Minion and Ms. Geri Nicholson 

L. David Mirkin M.D. 

Mrs. Sharon Mishkin 

Dr. James Mitchell 

Estate of Ms. Maryellen Modrzewski 

Estate of Dr. Norman S. Moore 

Mr. Robert Moore 

Ms. Martha Moran and Mr. George Meyer 

Mr. Frederick Morelle 

Charlotte Morford and Joseph Caputi 

Hildegarde and George Morgan 

Patricia and Kim Morgan 

Estate of John David Morris 

Mr. and Mrs. John Morris 

Estate of Ms. Mary Lucia Morrison 

Professor Joan Morrison 

Estate of Mr. Lewis Morse 

Estate of Mr. Duryea Morton 

Mrs. Marcia S. Morton 

Mrs. Penny W. Moser 

Mrs. Debra E. Moyer 

Mrs. Ursula Muehllehner 

Ms. Barbara J. Mueller 

Shugnati Muhamith 

Ms. Amy Munich 

Ms. Margaret Murphy 

Estate of Ms. Rita J. Myrick 

Ms. Anne Mytych 

Lisa Nadler and Deborah Pilkington 

Estate of Ms. Ellen Nagler 

Ms. April Narcisse and Mr. James Percich 

Estate of Ms. Mildred E. Neff 

Ms. Michelle Nelson 

Ms. Sarah Nelson 

Estate of Mrs. Anne J. Nelson-Debord 

Dr. Anne Newins 

Mr. Gary L. Newkirk 

Dr. Polly G. Nicely 

Ms. Kathryn E. Niedner 

Estate of Dr. Steven Nomura 

Estate of Mr. Alphonse R. Normandia 

Ms. Mary Normandia 

Allison Nunn 

Estate of Ms. Marjorie Oakes 

Mrs. Nora Ocque 

Estate of Dr. George Oetzel 

Polly B. and Jack H. Oliver 

Estate of Ms. Mary Anne Olmstead 

Mrs. Judith L. O’Neale 

Ms. Jody Onorato 

Ms. Sue Ordway 

Mr. Stephen B. Oresman 

Ms. Candace Osdene 

Mrs. Mary A. Oster 

Ms. Mary D. Owens 

Ms. Julie Oxford 

Ms. Patricia Packer 

Ms. Donna Paino and Ms. Caryl Leong 

Estate of Mr. Thomas R. Palmer 

Veronica Palmer 

Mrs. Ann Paltridge 

Estate of Ms. Virginia Panarace 

Ms. Anne Pancella 

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pardee 

Mrs. Ellen S. Parkes 

Susanna and Allen Parkinson 

Estate of Ms. Joanne Parrott 

Bob and Kathy (Engert) Patterson 

Ms. Ellen I. Paul 

Ms. Belinda Pearce 

Estate of Ms. Esther A. Pearlman 

Estate of Ms. Susan Petelik 

Estate of Mr. Ken Peters 

Dr. Robert A. Petersen 

Estate of Mr. Frank L. Peterson 

Dr. and Mrs. William D. Peterson 

Ms. Robin Peterson 

Ms. Susan J. Peterson 

Estate of Mr. George M. Pflaumer 

Dr. Barbara Phelan and Dr. Carol Reed 

Estate of Professor Elmer S. Phillips 

Ms. Anna M. Piccolo 

Estate of Ms. Lauren Pickard 

Mrs. Jane D. Pietras 

Estate of Mr. Richard F. Pietsch 

Estate of Mrs. Elaine Pinfold 

Estate of Ms. Marjorie A. Pitts 

Jose Pizarro 

Don and Diana Plant 

Dr. Elizabeth Plocharczyk and Mr. Geoffrey Callander 

Mr. Zach Poland 

Ms. Lorraine Poore 

Estate of Mr. Zoltan Porga 

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Porter 

Mrs. Ann P. Porter 

Estate of Ruth Posner 

Dr. Mary Poss 

Mr. David Post 

Stacey L. Poston and Annemarie G. Pace 

Estate of Mr. Richard Pough 

Jean and William Preis 

Ms. Donna Preskitt 

Estate of Mr. David Price 

Mr. Timothy Priehs 

Ronald and Debra Priest 

Mrs. Caroline L. Proutt 

Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Puff Jr. 

Ms. Catherine E. Quinn 

Ms. Linda Radtke 

Estate of Ms. Connie L. Raff 

Ms. K. Faye Rafferty 

Estate of Miss V. Sidney Raines 

James and Valorie Ramakka 

Estate of Ms. Alice M. Rand 

Ms. Diane Rand 

Kay Rashka 

Mrs. Patricia Ray 

Jack and Lenore Reber 

Ms. Suzanne Redfern-Campbell 

Estate of Ms. Panthea Redwood 

Estate of Ms. Hazel E. Reed 

Ms. Suzanne Reed 

Ms. April L. Reese 

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Regan Jr. 

Estate of Ms. Julie Reich 

Inge and Uwe Reichenbach 

Estate of Ms. Louise Reisch 

Ms. Deborah Remer 

Estate of Ms. Rachel T. Renaud 

Dr. Laurie Renz 

Mr. Timothy Resch 

Estate of Ms. Frances M. Rew 

Mr. Jack R. Rhein 

Estate of Ms. Kathleen Rhodes 

Estate of Ms. Lily B. Rice 

Richard M. and Susan Starr Richards 

Steven and Wendy Richards 

Ms. Cheryl Ring and Ms. Stefanie Barley 

Estate of Ms. Jackie Ritchie 

Ms. Joan Rivera 

Roger and Betty Robb 

Estate of Mr. Chandler Robbins 

Estate of Mrs. Eleanor Robbins 

Mr. Duane C. Roberts 

Estate of Mr. William R. Robertson 

Estate of Ms. Susan Robeson 

Mr. George Rock 

Dr. Paul Rodenhauser 

Estate of Mr. Stan Rodwin 

Ms. Sarah Rogers 

Estate of Mr. Thomas W. Rogers 

Mrs. Janice Roise 

Deedie Rose 

Estate of Edward W. ‘Rusty’ Rose 

Estate of Jeanette and C. Arthur Rosenberger 

Ms. Pam Rosendal 

Ms. Deborah Rosene 

Mr. Graham A. Rowe 

Elizabeth and Jean Rowley 

Mr. Skip Russell 

Ms. Gayle Russell 

Estate of Mrs. Lynette Russo 

Estate of Dr. and Mrs. William L. Rutherford 

Estate of Mr. Robert Rutherford 

Estate of Ms. Suzanne Rutter 

Ms. Susan Ryan 

Ms. Peggy Sagan 

Mrs. Dedra M. Salitrik 

Dr. Jeffery Sample 

Mr. Richard Sanders and Ms. Janice Hand 

Faith and Fred Sandstrom 

Mr. Douglas R. Santoni 

Estate of Ms. Diane L. Sass 

Allison and Christopher Savage-Cairns 

Ms. Alice S. Schaffer Smith 

Ms. Julie Scheels 

Estate of Ms. Lynne R. Scheer 

Estate of Dr. Francis G. Scheider M.D. 

Mr. Benjamin Holmes and Mrs. Carol Scheifele-Holmes 

Mr. Jeffrey P. Niwa and  

Ms. Dorothy Schinella 

Ms. Christine M. Schluter 

Mrs. Pamela G. Schmidt 

Estate of Richard and Janey Schnoor 

Scott and Julia M. Schnuck 

Professor Erica Schoenberger 

Louise Ann Schomburg 

Ms. Ellen M. Schopp 

Ms. Carole J. Schragen 

Estate of Mr. Robert F. Schumann 

Ms. Paula M. Schutte 

Ms. Monica J. Schwalbach 

Estate of Dr. and Mrs. Ammiel D. Schwartz 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwarz 

Ms. Donna L. Scott 

Robert and Nancy Searjeant 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seton 

Dr. Lucia L. Severinghaus 

Mrs. Sandy and Mr. Tom White 

Susan and Jeremy Shank 

Estate of Mrs. Betty Shannon 

Ms. Helen R. Shaskan 

Estate of Mrs. Mary S. Shaub 

Estate of Ms. Paula Shaud 

Estate of Mrs. Alice M. Shaw 

Mrs. Victoria Shaw 

Ms. Jenny Sheetz 

Mr. Douglas Sheldon 

Tom Shepard and Frances Willis 

Estate of Ms. Patricia Shirley 

Ms. Ardy Mary Shook 

Mr. Andrew Shore and Ms. Paula Erickson 

Susanne Shrader 

Estate of Mr. Richard J. Siewers 

Patricia and Robert Silver 

Dr. Todd P. Silverstein 

Mr. Edward Silvestri 

Ms. Katherine L. Simmons 

Estate of Ms. Mindy Simon 

Mr. David Sisk 

Mrs. Carol U. Sisler 

Mrs. Anna Slawsky 

Estate of Richard W. Slocum 

Bernard and Mary Slofer 

Estate of Ms. Victoria Slowik 

Mrs. Marjorie Smart and Mr. Robert Camp 

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smiley 

Estate of Mr. James T. Smith 

Mrs. Barbara Smith 

Mrs. Emily C. Smith 

Ms. Eugenia Snyder 

Estate of Ms. Ronni G. Solbert 

Estate of Ms. Marian K. Solleder 

Ms. Marybeth Sollins 

Ms. Dixie A. Sommers 

Mr. Mark Songer 

Dr. Sonja Sorbo 

Ms. Michele Sorensen 

Ms. Sandra Spence 

Robin Spencer 

Mr. Michael A. Sprague 

Ms. Donna L. Springer 

Estate of Mr. Stephen Stackpole 

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stader 

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stahnke 

Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stanwood 

Robin C. Stark 

Ms. Janet Starwood 

Ms. Denise Stavish 

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Steadman 

Estate of Ms. Mary Stecher 

Ms. Maggie Steinhilper 

Ms. Frances Stenehjem 

Estate of Christopher Stephens 

Ms. Christine A. Stevens 

Mr. Barry L. Stevens 

Barry and Sandy Stevenson 

William L. Stearns Trust 

Estate of Mr. James R. Stewart Jr. 

Estate of Mr. William R. Stewart 

Mrs. Lisa M. Stewart 

Ms. Elfriede Stockel 

Estate of Ms. Pamela J. Story 

Dr. Joan Strassmann and Dr. David Queller 

Imogen and W. Tulley Straub 

Mr. Edward P. Street Jr. 

Estate of Ms. Mary Ann Streeter 

Estate of Mr. Michael A. Strem 

Estate of Mrs. Lyman K. Stuart 

Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Stuart 

Mr. Colin Stuart 

Estate of Ms. Virginia M. Sullivan 

Estate of Ms. Roberta Summers 

Ms. Ingrid Sunzenauer 

Estate of Ms. Joan Susha 

Mr. Scott A. Sutcliffe 

Maria Sutherland-Sheridan 

Ms. Carole S. Swann 

Dr. Leesa Sward 

Estate of Mr. Robert Swift 

Mrs. Mary Alice Swope 

Mr. Gordon L. Swope Sr. 

Estate of Ms. Ella Szilagyi 

Ms. Abbie Tamber 

Ms. Tara Tanaka 

Estate of Ms. Anita Tannuzzo 

Mrs. Karen L. Tarvin 

Ms. Donna E. Tatro 

Ms. Marilyn R. Taylor 

Michael and Sarah Taylor 

Mr. Jeremy Taylor 

Mr. Jeff Telego 

Ms. Alyssa Thatcher 

Nancy and Mike Thomas 

Estate of Mr. John H. Thomson 

Mr. Stewart W. Thomson 

Estate of Mrs. Amanda Thurber 

Mrs. Patricia Tibbetts-Blair and Mr. Matthew Blair 

Ms. Betty M. Tignor 

Mr. and Mrs. James Tilling 

Estate of Mrs. Phyllis Tillinghast 

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tlush 

Estate of Elizabeth Todd 

Ms. Coralie S. Toevs 

Michelle Townsley and Robert Love 

Mrs. Charlotte Tracy 

Estate of Mr. Charles E. Treman Jr. 

Estate of Ms. Elizabeth Treman 

Estate of Mr. William Trendler 

Estate of Reverend Barbara B. Triggs 

Estate of Mr. Otis Trimble 

Dr. Deborah Turski 

Estate of Mr. Richard M. Tuttle 

Michelle and Martin Valentine 

Ms. Diana Van Buren 

Mrs. Mary Van Vleck 

Mr. Robert A. Vanderkamp 

Ms. Martha Loar Vandervoort 

Estate of Ms. Charlotte Vaughn 

Barbara Veerman 

Ms. Mary Veress 

Estate of Ms. Shirley A. Victor 

Ms. Elizabeth Vierling 

Estate of Dr. Karen D. Vitelli 

Mr. Gregory Voge 

Ms. Patricia Vogelsang 

Ms. Isae Wada 

Tammie Wade 

Estate of Ms. Shirley L. Wagner 

Dr. Eric A. Wagner 

Kenneth Wagner Living Trust 

Ms. Sarah Waldo 

Ms. Eileen M. Walker 

Marianne and Michael Walsh 

Estate of Mrs. Mary Clare Ward 

Estate of Ms. Mary Gwen Warnshuis 

Ms. Lucy Waskell 

Ms. Ruth Waterhouse 

Dr. Paul Waton 

Ms. Bari Webster 

Mrs. E.R. Webster 

Estate of Mrs. Madelon G. Wehner 

Mr. Sidney Welch 

Ms. Kathleen Wells and Mr. Matthew Werderber 

Ms. Marilyn Wendt 

Ms. Julie West 

Ms. MaryJo Wheeler 

Ms. Mariellen F. Whelan 

Ms. Gretchen Whisenand 

Estate of Ms. Jeanne A. White 

Ms. Alice E. White 

Dr. T.W. White-Henry 

Mr. and Mrs. F. Brand Whitlock 

Dr. Janet Wiebold 

Mrs. Jeanne D. Wigen-Ayers 

Dr. Andrea Wiggins 

Mrs. Phyllis Wight 

Estate of Ms. Hazel L. Wilbur 

Wild Birds Unlimited 

Estate of Ms. Josephine Wilkinson-Gould 

Jane Louise William PhD 

Estate of Mr. Robert G. Williams 

Estate of Ms. Barbara J. Williams 

Mr. Stefan T. Williams 

Ms. Susan Wilson 

Mrs. Gabriele Wohlauer 

Robin and Richard Wolcott 

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Wolf 

Estate of Ms. Patricia Wolff 

Mr. George C. Wood 

Marcia and Thomas Wood 

Levi Wood 

Estate of Mrs. Louise W. Woodruff 

Estate of Mrs. Shirley S. Woods 

Dr. Jane E. Woods 

Estate of Ms. Florence L. Woodward 

Estate of Mrs. Barbara Wright 

Ms. Jeannie B. Wright 

Mr. L. Christopher Wright 

Jeffrey and Kathy Wright 

Carolyn Wynne 

Estate of Mrs. Clara T. Yager 

Karen and Anthony Yankus 

Ms. Gail Yanowitch 

Ms. Deborah Yeakel 

Dr. Paula Yellin 

Ms. Brenda Young 

RDML Elizabeth Young and Maude Young 

Ms. Linda Zang 

Ms. Margaret J. Zelius 

Mr. George W. Zepko 

Erika Zetty 

Estate of Ms. Dorothy N. Zirkle 

In Honor Of

Your 50th Wedding Anniversary Paul Adamus

David and Susan Ammerman

Steve Aronson

Bes Baldwin

Jessie Barry

Victoria Beyer

Brianna Boub

Ann Bullock and Carole Schulz

Robert Clark

Jack and Abby Clark

Alan Cody

Jenna Curtis

David De Santa

Richard Dick

Teddy Dickler

Jeanne DiOrio

Phil and Mary Durcar

Joseph H. Ellis

Bob and Jane Engel

Sue and Roger Eslinger

Lara Estroff

Russell Faucett

John and Molly Fitzpatrick

David Fitz-Randolph

Karin Foarde

John Foote and Kristen Rupert

Brenda Forman

Linda Fowler

Martha Frost

Chris and Ed Gardinier

Alessandra Gavin

Mary Guthrie

Petra Faith Alexandra Hafker

Kim Haren

Philip Harner

Mitch Hartley

Shelly Hatlestad

Gloria Hoffman

Meg Holland

Linda Hollomon

Nancy Holmes

Deborah and David Hudson

Meredith Jabis and Radek Vesely

Lisa Josephson

Bradley Joutras

Jerome Coe

Chris Kaiser

Kim Kearney

Judy Keller

George A. Kelly

Anne R. Kenney

Cheryl Korowotny

Shannon Kugley

Cindy Ladd-Fiorini

Frank LaSorte

Joyce Lech

Dr. Luisa Lehrer

Alice Letowt

Susan Licher

Walter and Mary Ellen Liss

David Littmann

Janette Loomis

James Lowenthal

Sue Lutz

Ruth Major

Justin and Megan

Donald Maze

Jazmyn McDonald

Marilynn Mendell


Sue Ann Miller

Larry Montgomery

Sam and Kusil Moorley

“Ned” Morgens

Craig Morris

Susan Morway

Dr. Daniel Mueller

Dai Newman

Louise Zemaitis and Michael O’Brien

Ryan O’Donnell

The marriage of Nancy Osborn and Marty Beilin

Bill Reed

Melody Ann Rickell

Libby Ruffin

Michael Runge

Hilary Russ

Rachel Russell

David Salt

Eric Schlaf

Eileen Schwartz

Margaret Scott

Hal Silverman

Richard Skaggs

Laura Smith

Karen Snyder

Carole Soskis

Jennifer Speers

Mary Beth Stowe

Patty Suess

Scott Sutcliffe

Breck and Sandi Templeton

Linda Thomas “Bird Lady”

Ellen Thomson

Mary Evelyn Tielking

Kathy Tyler

Kate Van Dalsem

Nancy Vander Pyl

Emmet and Marjorie Vanderburgh

Jean Voelcker

Suzanne Weiss and Family

John Whiteside

Max Wilder

Tom Wilinsky

Tony Wilkinson

C. Rogers Williams DVM

Heather Wolf

Sasha Wright

In Memory Of

Nihal Akcakaya 

Jean Allanson Arnold-Sutter 

Professor Arthur Allen 

Barbara Amacher 

Diane Apker 

Alexander Sinclair Baish 

Peter Balet 

Elizabeth Barell 

Bill Beckett 

Brent Beeson 

Rita Frances Berberich 

Sherry Bergman 

Sandy Bishop 

Joan A. Black 

Isabel Blaney Sun 

Mr. Richard N. Blazey 

Pamela Blessing 

Nancy Bompczyk 

William Bradford Bond 

Esther Bondareff 

James Bracco 

R. Thomas Bradbury 

Joe Brazie 

Mr. William Brennan 

William Breting 

Maxine Brewster 

Dale Richard Brown 

Helena Brown 

Dr. William Buchanan and Mrs. Nancy Buchanan 

Derek Buchner 

Jessica Elizabeth Byrd 

Lillie Cannon 

Gene Cartwright 

Didima-Seeta Chaudhuri 

Catherine Chvostak 

Bill Clark 

Mary Anne Claywell 

Tina Forrester Cleland 

Edward B. Cloutman 

Walter Cole 

Constance Coles 

Mr. John Collins 

Dr. Michael Clagett Collins 

Carol Cook 

John Cousar 

Kathleen Cowell 

Gorham L. Cross 

James E. and Mary Crouch 

Dr. Robert Gene Crozier 

Barbara J. Cunningham 

Noel Cutright 

Larry Davies 

Jim De Vingo 

Cynthia DeFelice 

Sandy DeMicco 

Philip DiCara 

Steve Dora 

Mary Ann Dubecky Skreczko 

Louise B. Dunlap 

Sharon Dunwoody 

Joan English Farhat 

Amy F. Farnham 

Susan Fassett 

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher D. Feeney 

John Finnegan 


Marilea Flanagan 

Adele Flower 

Judith E. Ford 

John Fraser 

Brad Frazee 

Patricia Frost 

Ann M. Gallup 

Jane Cole Geisler 

Nancy Gersh 

James Giglio 

Doris F. Gilford 

Ruth Glass 

Deirdre Glober 

Taylor Goldberg 

Robert Goodwin 

Steve Gordon 

Gary W. Greene 

Mary Lyon Greene and Kempton Johnson Cornell Grads 

Rod and Ruth Greiner 

Vince Grieco 

John A. Griswold 

William “Bill” Gruenbaum 

Trudy Guinee 

Jane Hamner 

Ruth Hanessian 

Susan C. Hawkins 

Elizabeth (Betsey) Heekin Harris 

Ann Helen 

William C. Hendrickson 

Suzanne Henninger 

Edward O. Hill 

Barbara Hirschowitz 

Josephine Ho 

Traudie Holman 

Andrew Deane Hosier 

Teresa Lynn Creel Hoskinson 

Grace Marie Houston 

David L. Hughes 

James Humphrey 

Janet Godersky Ingraffea 

Carol Anderson Jackson 

Tom Johnson 

Stephen Rowe Jones 

David Junkin 

Stephen Kaplan 

Bob Kappmeyer 

Theil and Andrea Kauffman 

Theil Harry Kauffman 

Mr. Jerry F. Kerrisk 

Carolina Kiggins 

Elizabeth (Betty) Kirchner 

Sharen Ann Kirksey 

Barbara Klasson 

Jay Klokker 

David Knaggs 

Kenneth Knauf 

Judith Knight 

Ann Knudson 

Judith Koltun 

Lee Kral 

Betsy Tillman Kulick 

Daniel Lamb 

Helen Lapham 

Lucille Larkin 

Elinor Laurie 

Charles F. Leck 

Richard Leed 

James Leet 

Dr. Bruce R. Lester 

Nell Buchanan Lester 

Joseph Levin 

Elliot D. Lobel 

Mrs. Noelle C. Locke 

Frederick William Loetscher Jr.

Alan Bruce Luebs 

Elizabeth MacCallum and to honor her birthday 

Patricia Main 

Gerald Lee Mandell 

Jim Marks 

Shirley Martens 

Dr. Michael L. May 

Alan McConagha 

Marsha McHenry 

John Robert McIntosh 

Jack McManus 

Lenora June “Lennie” Medcalf-Bauske 

Fred L. Meiss Jr. ’34 and Kathryn Meiss 

Doris Miller 

Frances Moore 

Jeff Moore 

Lee Morgan 

Jeanne Moslin 

Alvie Neeley 

Anthony Negri 

Virginia Newcomer Lane and Edward Lane and Thomas E. Lane 

Dr. Arnold Nitishin and Mrs. Leah Nitishin 

James Noel 

George Hamlin Nybakken 

Paul Damian O’Brien 

John Oldendorf 

Sandra “Sandie” Ortiz 

Lillian Ostrander 

Brad Paddack 

Louis Paine and Gwen Chapman Paine 

Jurek Pawlusinski 

Phyllis Pentecost 

Alice Peters 

Dr. Olin Sewell Pettingill Jr. 

John Charles Phillips II 

Judy Allen Pick 

Robert Pierce 

Richard Pigford 

Marilyn Pitts 

Kathleen Putnam 

Everett C. Randall 

Walter Randall 

Ken Rauscher 

Chris Redmond Ford 

Ann Reese 

William Reynolds Jr. 

Gayle Rice 

Laurose Richter 

Kevin Ricks 

Sally Morrow Robinson 

Peter John Roche 

Patricia Rogers 

Mark Rollinson 

Mr. James Roosa 

Jack Douglas Ruland 

Lynette Russo 

Adrian Salle 

Henry and Helen Santoni 

Leon Satkowski 

Kathryn Young Sawtelle 

Georgia Schlegle 

Robert O. and Marion C. and Robert B. Schlytter 

Dr. Patricia Schultz 

Herman Schweiger 

Edward Scott 

Dr. Ruby Senie 

Janet Ellen Shapiro 

Bird Shaw 

Marion Shea 

Alden Smith Shriver 

Donald Simpson 

Bailey Smith 

Betty H. Smith 

Edward Russell Smith 

Jean Smith 

Patricia D. Smith 

Thelma Lois Spencer 

Mary L. Sproull 

Veronica St. Claire 

Drew Stadlen 

David Stang 

Bruce Steger 

Betty Stochla 

Jeanne Strain 

Professor Andris Straumanis 

Dick Swaim 

Gary Swanson 

Olyne Harris Sweney 

Margaret Tallman 

Maxwell Taylor 

Nancy Teater 

Sara Jane Thompson 

Ida Timmel-Walser 

Dr. Steven Tischler 

Mrs. Doris Towne 

Mary Anne Treble 

Mabel Chin Tung 

Claudine Valentino 

Susan L. Waldstein 

Douglas Ayer Wallace 

Mary-Gwen Warnshuis 

Dr. Peter C. Weber 

Larry Welch 

Valerie A. Werfelmann 

Joseph H. Williams 

Stuart Willmott 

Miss Courtney Wilson 

Glenn Wilson 

Jeanne and Stuart Wilson 

Mary A. Witalec 

Dorothy Wolfe 

Robert Wooley 

Kenneth Wright 

Chen-Yu Yen 

Zack Zeillmann 

Richard Zirkle 

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library