Batbayar Galtbalt

Postdoctoral Fellow


Population ecology • Movement and Migration • Quantitative Ecology • Animal Tracking

My research focuses on studying the population dynamics of avian migrants in the face of ongoing global change processes. To better understand the mechanisms underlying the population changes, I use combination of satellite tracking, field observation, and quantitative analyses techniques.

During my PhD studies, I investigated the effects of weather and climate change on long-distance avian migrants. Specifically, I explored how birds select their flight altitude and migration routes in relation to various condition both in the atmosphere and on the ground. I also examined what factors contribute to the population decline of migratory bird.

My research at Cornell Lab of Ornithology is focused on quantifying the macro-demography of North American birds using the big data sources such as eBird participatory science data, radar observation, and other climatic models. The goal of this project is to elucidate how extreme climatic events could explain demographic variation throughout the annual cycle of bird populations.  


Ph.D.  Ecology, Deakin University, Australia
M.Sc. Ecology & Conservation Biology, National University of Mongolia
B.Sc.  Ecology & Conservation Biology, National University of Mongolia

A man stands in front of a vista of fields and mountains, with binoculars
Center Avian Population Studies

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library