Caitlin Eger
Data Engineer
Environmental Engineering • Hydrology • Causal Inference Data Science
I create eBird data products tailored for decision-makers at state and federal-level agencies. For example, in 2024 I made roughly 30,000 publicly available maps, and more than 100 summary statistics profiles for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state agencies for use in wildlife action planning. Please contact me if you need a specialty data product.
I’m fanatical about causal inference and data science and trained as an ecological engineer, with interests in ecohydrology, water chemistry, and systems design. I work at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology because I love applied research and working as part of a great team.
Ph.D. Syracuse University, Civil/Environmental Engineering
Favorite birds
Black-capped Chickadee, Merlin, American Kestrel, Rock Pigeon, Cedar Waxwing, Belted Kingfisher, Gray Catbird, American Crow