Laura Kammermeier
Digital Publications Marketing Manager
Communications • Marketing • Content Strategy • Business Development
I’m the marketing manager for Birds of the World‚ a subscription-based online resource and the world’s largest, most comprehensive, scholarly resource for birds. Filled with more than 10,700 species accounts, this authoritative guide summarizes the best available science on each species and helps equip professors, scientists, students, and conservationists with vital information on birds. The most rewarding part of this role is interacting with users all over the world and getting Birds of the World into the hands of those who need it (or want it!) the most. This involves managing online sales and promotions, marketing to new institutions, writing for blogs and social media, providing customer service, and managing the business aspects of Birds of the World. It’s an honor to work for the Cornell Lab and to support a program with this kind of importance and reach.
I’m inspired by discovery—discovering new birds, new trails, new ways to communicate about birds, and by laying the groundwork for programs and processes that bring bird-minded people together to benefit bird education and conservation.
M.S., Aquatic Ecology, Kent State University
B.S., Biology, Kent State University
Memorable Moment
I like European vultures. Once, perched high on a giant rock in Huesca, Spain, I watched waves of Eurasian Griffons drift below, their back feathers glinting in the sun; I came eye-to-eye with a Bearded Vulture (lammergeier). Nearby, I witnessed a midair skirmish of Egyptian Vultures. This was unforgettable.