Sarah Seroussi

Lead Web/User Experience Designer


Web designer • User Experience Design

My goal is to continuously improve the online experience for our audience by providing paths to meaningful content and offering useful interactive tools. In my role, I work with many teams around the Lab. I consult with them about design and content. Using WordPress and working with the Communications team, I help Lab programs and researchers, set up Lab-branded websites.

I designed the Cornell Lab’s home site, as well as All About Birds, our online mobile-optimized North American Bird Species Guide. I also designed the user experience and look and feel for Merlin Bird ID, an app which offers users free, instant bird ID assistance.

I hope my design work inspires people to engage with birds, nature and conservation efforts, as well as to learn more about birds and the natural world.

Sarah Seroussi
Center Advancement
Projects All About Birds, Bird Cams

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library