Forestland Ecosystem Guide

Bird-Friendly Forests: Opportunities for Private Forest Owners in the Southeastern United States
Poirier and Williams.

Habitat Conservation for Landbirds in the Coniferous Forests of Western Oregon and Washington
Altman and Alexander, 2012.

Land Manager’s Guide to Bird Habitat and Populations in Oak Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest
Altman and Stephens, 2012.

Preserving Habitat for Bird Species at Risk in the Parkland Transition Zone: a Guide for Landowners

Land Manager’s Guide to Cavity-Nesting Bird Habitat and Populations in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Pacific Northwest
Casey et al., 2012.

Silviculture with Birds in Mind, Options for Integrating Timber and Songbird Habitat Management in Northern Hardwood Stands in Vermont
Hagenbuch et al., 2011.

Land Manager’s Guide to the Birds of the South
Hamel, 1992.

Management of Western Forests and Grasslands for Nongame Birds
DeGraff and Tilghman, 1980.

Managing Forest Birds in Southeast Ohio: A Guide for Land Managers

Land Manager’s Guide to Aspen Management in Oregon
Strong et al., 2010.

Management Guidelines for enhancing Cerulean Warbler Breeding Habitat in Appalachian hardwood forests
Wood et al., 2013.

West Virginia Songbird Forest Management Guidelines

Managing for Cavity-nesting Birds in Ponderosa Pine Forests
American Bird Conservancy, 2009.

A Bird’s Eye View: A Guide to Managing and Protecting Your Land for Neotropical Migratory Birds in the Upper Mississippi River Blufflands
Ehresman, 2003.

Birds in Oak Woodland and Chaparral: Managing Fuels and Habitats in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion
Klamath Bird Observatory, 2005.

Bringing the Birds Back: A Guide to Habitat Enhancement in Riparian and Oak Woodlands for the North Bay Region
Kreitinger and Gardali, 2006.

Canada Warbler: Population Status, Habitat Use, and Stewardship Guidelines for Northeastern Forests
Lambert and Faccio, 2005.

Habitat Establishment, Enhancement, and Management for Forest and Grassland Birds in Illinois
Herkert et al., 1993.

A Guide to the Conservation of Forest Interior Dwelling Birds in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area
Jones et al., 2000.

Management Strategies for Reversing Declines in Landbirds of Conservation Concern on Military Installations
Nott and Gordon, 2006.

A Land Manager’s Guide to Improving Habitat for Forest Thrushes
Rosenberg et al., 2003.

A Land Manager’s Guide to Improving Habitat for Scarlet Tanagers and Other Forest-Interior Birds
Rosenberg et al., 1999.

Rainforest Birds: a Land Manager’s Guide to Breeding Bird Habitat in Young Conifer Forests in the Pacific Northwest
Altman and Hagar, 2007.

Sharing the Land with Pinyon-Juniper Birds
Gillihan, 2006.

Lightning-Season Burning: Friend or Foe of Breeding Birds?
Cox and Widener, 2008. (Focus is on southern pine forests.)

Bird-Friendly Forests: Opportunities for Private Forest Owners in the Southeastern United States

Poirier and Williams, 2021.