Raven Workbench, Pro, Lite, and Exhibit

Raven is a software program for the acquisition, visualization, measurement, and analysis of sounds. We offer several different packages:

Raven Workbench

Raven Workbench is a collection of free modules which will replace and augment Raven Pro’s functionality over time. Our first two releases will be:

For the display and annotation of long-term spectrogram averages and which has an option to generate spectrograms using a hybrid-millidecade frequency scale.

Download Raven Expedition 1.1.0 for:

For the preparation of sound files for sound analysis, performing such tasks as changing audio file format, audio encoding, sample rate, bit depth, file name, etc. (replacing Sox-o-matic)

Download Raven Compass 1.2.1 for:

Raven Pro

Raven Pro is a powerful, user-friendly research and teaching tool for scientists working with acoustic signals. Raven Pro’s highly configurable views provide unparalleled flexibility in data display. Student discounts and per country discounts are available. Raven Pro is one of the most widely used programs worldwide for the analysis of animal sounds, used in more than 1000 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Check out our introductory video tutorials on how to use Raven Pro.

We distribute Raven Pro free of charge to:

  • People from low and middle-income countries
  • Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, First Nations, Pacific Islands, Australian Aboriginals, and other aboriginal people
  • Members of the Cornell community, including alums and former employees

Raven Lite

Raven Lite is a free software program that lets users record, save, and visualize sounds as spectrograms and waveforms. Raven Lite is intended for students, educators, and hobbyists, and can be used for learning about sounds, as an aid in birdsong recognition, and in musical instruction.

Raven Exhibit

Raven Exhibit is a sound visualization and recording system optimized for public displays and exhibits in places like science museums, zoos, aquariums, and nature centers.

For more information or support for any Raven package, please visit the Raven website.