Education, Mentorship, & other Initiatives
Courses & Educational Resources
We offer training workshops for scientists and students working with animal sounds. These workshops cover basic principles (e.g., digital audio, spectrographic analysis) and specific techniques and software.
- Virtual Lab: Sound Analysis Principles
Videos and exercises based on our in-person workshops, all using Raven software.
- Training Videos: Sound Analysis Software
Video tutorials for Raven software, with topics ranging from basic introduction to expert tips & tricks.
- Bioacoustics Tools
Tools to aid acoustic analysis and synthesis, like Raven Workbench and BirdNET
Outreach & Engagement
- BioacousTalks
Bi-weekly gatherings on Zoom to learn from invited speakers about advances in passive acoustic monitoring, and to connect with a global community of practitioners.
Mentorship & Initiatives
- Locally-led East Asian Flyway Acoustics (LEAFA) Program
A regional conservation program of migratory birds in the EAF through a participatory research framework, laying the groundwork to build a robust regional network for acoustic monitoring of migratory species.
- BEAT: A bioacoustics learning community for Indonesia and Malaysia
The Bioacoustics Equipment and Training (BEAT) program supports teams in Malaysia and Indonesia to use bioacoustics for impactful conservation projects. Together, we’re building a community of bioacousticians engaged in some crucial eavesdropping.
- TEMABio – Pantanal 2024-2025
7 equipes foram selecionadas para receber 4 gravadores SwiftOnes e acessório com o intuito de incorporar monitoramento acústico nos projetos envolvendo conservação e monitoramento da biodiversidade no Pantanal.