Young Birders Event in Brazil

Impact Statement

Each month, we are pleased to share how your annual gifts are making a real impact.

In early January, Jessie Barry and Chris Wood greeted 12 young birders in Paraty, Rio de Janiero, Brazil for the first Young Birders Event in Brazil. The event gathered the next generation of conservation leaders and ornithologists, enabling many of them to meet for the first time and learn about a variety of careers having to do with birds. There were nine Brazilians, and participants from England, U.S., and Canada, ages 13-19. The initiative was the brainchild of Lorena Patricio and Vitor Valentini, Brazilian students and graduates of the YBE at the Cornell Lab. Field time consisted of gathering eBird data, gathering rich media for the Macaulay Library, exploring conservation challenges in Paraty, learning about agroforestry in the Atlantic Forests of Brasil, and planting Acai palms along with a variety of presentations and games in the evening.