Luke Seitz (2015)

Ever since a male Scarlet Tanager captured Luke’s attention when he was six, he has been drawing birds and watching their every move. As a student at Cornell, he was an active participant on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Redhead birding team and was involved in many other Lab projects in addition to the Bartels Science Illustration Program.
Luke has a special interest in illustrating field guides, and for his main project he illustrated a map of the world, depicted as bird heads representing each region. This art was used on a tote bag premium for Cornell Lab members promoting Global Big Day. Luke also created several silhouettes of birds for use on our All About Birds website, in addition to art for our publications, and he continues to create art for Global Big Day.
Luke graduated from Cornell University in 2016. Since then, he has been exploring the nooks and crannies of the Andes and Amazon as a tour leader for Wings Birding Tours Worldwide, enjoying birds while photographing them, and enjoying the challenge of illustrating them in the field. Recently, Luke has expanded his interest in global birding with expeditions to Australia, China, Southeast Asia, and Ethiopia.
His illustrations have been used in many publications including Birding and Birder’s Guide magazines, and even after his time in the Bartels Science Illustration Program had ended, Luke has continued to illustrate the feature bird for the World Series of Birding and eBird’s Global Big Day initiatives. Luke also currently serves as a member on the Maine Bird Records Committee.