Stef denRidder (2014)

Stef graduated in 2013 from the Art Academy in the Netherlands. Living a life that revolves around animals, Stef strives to share that fascination and interest with others through art and illustration. Stef’s interest in birds began after she completed graduation project about how birds can help explain evolutionary theory, and it has continued to grow since then.
As a Bartels Science Illustrator, Stef’s primary project was creating an illustration for the cover of the 2014 State of the Birds report, a project that, Stef said, “made me look again at how fragile our wildlife and birds are. I already knew that, but working on a project that was centered around the extinction of the most abundant bird there ever lived (the Passenger Pigeon) is something else.” Working with 20 different authors all over the world, Stef also created 15 highly detailed, black-and-white pencil drawings for the chapter heads for the book Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates.
After leaving the Lab, Stef illustrated the book Stefs Grote Neuzenboek, (Stef’s Big Nose Book), a Dutch children’s book about everything related to animal noses. Two other books followed in 2017, Vogels en de Liefde (Birds and Love), a book that contains surprising love facts about dozens of birds; and De Nieuwe Biesbosch (The New Biesboch), about the National Park de Biesbosch in the Netherlands. The latter is a collaboration with a park ranger and highlights the most recent changes that have occurred in the park.