Megan Gnekow (2009)

Megan received her training through the Scientific Illustration Graduate Certificate Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her delicate watercolor style was perfect for creating a poster depicting the hummingbirds that visit feeders for Project FeederWatch. She also painted a series of twelve birds for greeting cards. She tells this story about the process of creating the poster, and how it helped her develop as an artist.
After leaving the Lab, Megan returned to California where she now works as a freelance illustrator while also dedicating time to local bird conservation efforts. She has volunteered for the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory as a Hawkwatcher during Fall migration and has worked with raptors and California Condors at Pinnacles National park, assisting with monitoring the breeding habits of the dozen or so raptor species that breed in the park and helping with the recovery of California Condors. “It’s a privilege and a thrill to be able to do my small part to help conservation efforts for wild birds here in this little corner of central California.” She has also been an Artist-in-Residence at Elkhorn Slough on Monterey Bay and in the Plumas National Forest.