Lab-Led Workshop Mini-Grants

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology cordially invites Latin American and Caribbean organizations or groups to apply for our mini-grants for 2-day workshops in your community facilitated by Cornell Lab of Ornithology staff. The workshops provide training to formal and environmental educators, as well as to community leaders. The training is focused on bird-related participatory science activities and data collection for Cornell Lab of Ornithology projects such as eBird Merlin Bird ID, NestWatch, and/or Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), as well as bird watching for diverse groups and online Cornell Lab resources for educators. We are especially interested in supporting organizations and groups that work with low-income, or underserved communities.These mini-grants provide up to $2,000 US dollars, which will pay the facilitator’s travel expenses, printing of materials, and some meals for participants and/or items required to conduct the workshop.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology will consider applications that meet the following criteria:

  • Applying organizations or groups should be Latin American or Caribbean and demonstrate an interest in outreach and educational activities focused on birdwatching, conservation, and promotion of bird participatory-science projects in their region.
  • Applying organizations or groups will be responsible for the local workshop organization and logistics. This will ensure the workshop facilitated by Cornell Lab staff will run smoothly.
  • Applying organizations or groups should be able to recruit teachers, community leaders, formal, informal and/or environmental educators, who will participate during the full 2-day workshop.

We are NOT calling for 2024 applications for Lab-led workshop mini-grants.