State of the Birds on Private Lands
State of the Birds on Private Lands is a report produced by the Cornell Lab and other national conservation partners that highlights the enormous contributions that private landowners make to bird and habitat conservation.
What can the State of the Birds Report offer land trusts?
You can learn more about the role private lands play in your region. Bird distribution maps and statistics on the percentage of bird species on private lands are available, which may be helpful for grant writing or talking with landowners about the importance of their lands to specific species. Bird maps and species lists in the 2013 State of the Birds Report, indicate which species use major habitat types and what proportion of those habitats are on private lands. The report acknowledges the importance of land trusts in protecting private lands and spotlights several land trusts that have contributed significantly to bird habitat conservation. [link to “Success Stories” sub-header].
Visit The State of the Birds Report 2013 to find out more.