Explore Materials and Resources for Colombia!
Colombian Educational Materials
In an effort to support group leaders in their educational activities, several Colombian partners shared their digital materials about birds, conservation, and environmental education available for free! Explore and download these materials to discover fun ways to engage with environmental education in your community.
Suspects by Nature
All human actions have consequences on the environment. In this environmental detective game discover how some environmental problems arise and work to find sustainable solutions! (In Spanish).
Authors: Zoraya Buitrago and Jay Martin / Contact Information: ficsana@gmail.com / Organizations: SELVA, Fundación Aves Colombianas, and AES Colombia.
The Bacana Route
Where do migratory birds live throughout the year? What are the risks during long migratory flights? The Bacana Route is a bird migration game that helps the players understand the impressive routes migratory birds take, the risks they face, and our role in their journey (in Spanish).
Authors: Zoraya Buitrago, Jay Martin, Camila Gomez and Nick Bayly / Contact Information: info@selva.org.co / Organizations: SELVA, Fundación Aves Colombianas, and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center.
FiloGenios is a card game that shows the impressive diversity of birds in Colombia. It also helps the player understand how fragile the birds’ habitats are and what actions we can take to protect them (in Spanish).
Author: Catalina Palacios / Contact Information: info@selva.org.co / Organization: Universidad de Los Andes, Phylo (The Phylomon Project), SELVA
A Pure Flight
This game aims to raise awareness of the birds that live in the wetlands of Bogotá and their important roles in this environment (in Spanish).
Authors: Andrés Camilo Pérez Rodríguez, Esperanza Sepúlveda Rojas and Liza Lorena Quitian Ayala / Organizations: Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental de UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia, Grupo de Investigación CAYTES – Ciencia, Ambiente y Turismo Ecologico Sustentable, y Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO.
Bird Bingo
Bird bingo! Players must first cut out the individual bird images of the birds and then glue them to a piece of cardboard. The number of birds per bingo card is up to you, but between 6 and 10 is ideal. No bingo card should repeat birds to ensure everyone gets a unique set. How you will mark the birds you score during the game, whether you use a marker or cut-out pieces of paper as markers, is up to you! The rest of the game works just like in traditional bingo. There is someone who calls out certain birds and the players will mark them until they reach a row of birds vertically, horizontally, or diagonally that covers the entire card. That person will call out bingo and will have won the match.
Author: Astrid Linares Lozano
Educational Curricula and Activity Guides
Bird Expeditionary Guide
This fun activity guide was created for young explorers to learn more about birds and how to watch them in detail while discovering the joy of being close to nature (in Spanish).
Organizations: Expediciones BIO, “Alas, Cantos y Colores”, Alexander von Humboldt Institute, Natural Sciences Institute of the National University of Colombia, Grow Colombia and United Way Colombia / Contact: Nelsy Niño-Rodríguez
Elementary School Curriculum: Biodiversity Week
This curriculum includes a manual for educators and activity sheets about birds and butterflies. Each activity meets the standards of the Colombian Department of Education for science, mathematics, art, Spanish, physical education and more (in Spanish).
Authors: Natalia Sanz de Santamaria, Camila Gomez, Mateo Hernandez and Zoraya Buitrago / Contact Information: info@selva.org.co / Organizations: SELVA y OpEPA
Flying Come, Flying Go – Bird Conservation in Río Blanco and Manizales
An environmental education activity book for teachers in the Río Blanco region and Manizales. It contains educational activities, info cards, worksheets, and regional bird drawings to promote awareness of local biodiversity and environmental responsibility (in Spanish).
Authors: Christian Devenish and Diana Arzuza Buelvas
Books and Booklets
Ornitho-guide: Knowing our Wetland Birds
Review bird body parts from beak to feathers and learn about the ecological roles and behavior of 40 bird species found in Bogotá’s wetlands. Beginner or advanced birders will enjoy the content of this guide (in Spanish). The digital book can be found at the bottom of the page the link sends you to.
Authors: Esperanza Sepúlveda Rojas, Juan Carlos Mendoza Mendoza, and Andrés Camilo Pérez Rodríguez / Organizations: Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental de UNIMINUTO Virtual y a Distancia, Grupo de Investigación CAYTES – Ciencia, Ambiente y Turismo Ecologico Sustentable, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO
Vaupés—Through Feathers, Sounds and Colors. The birds tell their traditional stories, 1st edition
Dive into the social and cultural values found in the mystic world of Vaupés’ birds and nature. Based on traditional knowledge, the authors of this book share bird stories rooted in the ethnic groups of Vaupés (in Spanish).
Editor: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco / Compilers of traditional stories: Florencio Castaño Rodríguez, Walter Gabriel Estrada Ramírez, Manuel Claudio Fernández, Agripino González, Fernando López Pereira, Carlos Augusto Ramírez González, Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco, Zaiza Danova Rodríguez Rivera / Art, design and ilustration: Steven Camilo Ibarra Pinchao / Photography: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco y Luis Urueña / Organizations: Amazonian Motmot-Semillero de investigación en Etno-Ornitología, Coordinación Misional y SENA Regional Vaupés
Raptors Present in Organic Rice Farms in the Valley of the Cauca River
Learn about the impressive and fascinating raptors in this region (in Spanish).
Authors: Y.Cifuentes Sarmiento, L.A. Neira, L.F. Castillo, and J. Suarez Valbuena
Contact Information: Asociación Calidris / Organizations: Asociación Calidris (Calidris Asociation) and Arrocera la Esmeralda S.A. -
The Wings of Rice: Aquatic Birds in the Cauca Valley’s Eco-friendly Crops
This book discusses the aquatic birds that are found in organic rice fields in the Cauca Valley (in Spanish).
Authors: Y. Cifuentes Sarmiento and L. F. Castillo Cortés / Contact Information: Asociación Calidris / Organizations: Asociación Calidris and Arrocera la Esmeralda S.A.
Las Aves de Mi Ciudad (The Birds of My City)
This guide was created to showcase the richness of the birds in Cali, Colombia. Learn about the birds’ anatomy, habitats, and diet. Explore how to participate in bird conservation and take action for the birds in your community (in Spanish).
Authors: Luis Fernando Castillo, Patricia Falk-Fernandez, Felipe Estela, and Karolina / Contact: Asociación Calidris / Organizations: Asociación Calidris and the Alcaldia de Santiago de Cali, Departamento Administrativo de Gestion del Medio Ambiete – DAGMA
Manual para el Monitoreo de Aves Migratorias (Monitoring Migratory Birds Manual)
This manual aims to strengthen the conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their natural ecosystems (in Spanish).
Authors (Text): Isadora Angarita Martínez, Daniel Arbeláez Alvarado, Luis Germán Naranjo / Editors: Karina Galeano M., Julio Mario Fernández, Carmen Ana Dereix, Oscar Alzate A., Luis Germán Naranjo, Luis Felipe Ordóñez / Organizations: Asociación Red Colombiana de Reservas Naturales de la Sociedad Civil, Asociación para el Estudio y la Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas en Colombia – Calidris, and WWF Colombia
Bosque Seco Especial: Guía de Especies (The Dry Forest: Species Guide)
This book focuses on the fauna and flora in the dry forests of La Guajira, Bolívar, César, Tolima, Valle de Cauca, and Huila. It promotes the value of species identification, conservation, the well being of local communities under transformation, and territory use. On the left hand side of the page you will be able to download or see the “BST baja.pdf”! (In Spanish).
Authors: Alma Hernández, Rafael Achury, José Aguilar, Luisa Ardila, Paula Caycedo-Rosales, Angélica Díaz Pulido, Marcia Muñoz, Susana Rodríguez-Buritíca, Roy González / Organizations: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
Especies de Aves Focales de Cundinamarca: Estrategias para la conservación (Focal Bird Species of Cundinamarca: Strategies for conservation)
Learn more about Cundinamarca’s focal birds and what they can tell us about their ecosystems’ health. The hope is to increase birdwatching and to promote concrete conservation actions for the birds and their ecosystems. On the left hand side of the page, you will be able to download or see the “160.pdf”! (In Spanish).
Authors: Ana María Franco, Juan David Amaya-Espinel, Ana María Umaña Villaveces, Maria Piedad Baptiste E., Oswaldo Cortés / Organizations: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
La Magia de la Aves de Chingaza (The Magic of Chingaza’s Birds)
This book presents 156 species of birds found in the Chingaza Natural National Park. Learn about the park, its ecosystems, birds species information, and how to develop responsible avi-tourism projects (in Spanish).
Authors: Luis Guillermo Linares-Romero, F. Gary Stiles, Loreta Rosselli, Pedro Camargo M, Jonathan Candil, Robinson Galindo Tarazona, Fredy Enrique Avellaneda y Ángel Ramiro Pulido / Organizations: Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia
Field Guides to Birds
Field Guide – Birds of the Las Planadas Village and its Surroundings, Mocoa (Putumayo), Colombia
People of all ages will enjoy this guide that highlights 102 beautiful bird species in Mocoa, Putumayo. The guide was developed as a collaboration between The Amazon Conservation Team Colombia, the Asociación Alas Putumayo (Alas Putumayo Association), and the Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas -ASOMI- (Association of Indigenous Women) to connect the Mocoa community to their local birds. To download the complete guide, download both sides; the second side is the reverse of the first side (in Spanish).
Los Aves de Mi Tierra – Municipio de Sotará (Birds of my Territory – Municipality of Sotará)
This booklet features some of the bird species present in the municipality of Sotará, Department of Cauca, Colombia. It was created to help community members get to know their local birds (in Spanish).
Author: Dr. Oscar Orozco Pastrana / Organizations: Municipio de Sotará, Fundación Aves, Fauna y Flora del Departamento del Cauca y AVEFACAUCA.
Indigenous Communities and Birds: A Photographic Guide
This photo guide offers an introduction to the birds that live around the Mitú, Vaupés community through the lens of the indigenous Kubeo people. This is great tool for those wanting to learn more about birds and their importance to Kubeo communities. The guide even features the bird names in their traditional language, Pamikamú. The guide is in Spanish.
Author: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco / Organizations: SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje) Regional Vaupés, SENNOVA (Sistema de Investigación Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación), ETNO Ornitologia
Vaupés – Among Plumage, Sound and Color Volume 2
Find information about birds and other animal life in the municipality of Mitú in the department of Vaupés from the perspective of the local indigenous ethnic groups, the Pamiwa, Tuyaca, Siriano, Tukano, and Bara. Utilizing their wisdom and techniques, you will be able to recognize the beautiful birds and animal life present in the 3,800,000 hectares of forest in southwestern Colombia. Everyone will be able to appreciate and enjoy the contents of this digital book.
Author: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco / Narrators: José López Ortiz, Luis Rodríguez Herrera, Raúl Fernández, Luis Enrique Llanos Rodríguez, José Trujillo García, José María Leiter Barazana, and Roció Leyter Da Silva / Compilers of Traditional History: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco, Zaiza Rodríguez Rivera, Marlín Yurani Betancur Ramírez, Geovanny Martínez Trujillo, Jean Carlos González González, and Darly Jasmín Carnero Leyter / Illustrator and Designer: Stiben Camilo Ibarra Pinchao / Photographer: Gloria Amparo Rivera Velasco / Editors: Grupo SENNOVA, Regional Vaupés / Organizations: Amazonian Motmot-Semillero de investigación en Etno-Ornitología, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) and SENNOVA
Birds of the Sibundoy Valley – Field Guide
Learn more about the beautiful birds of the Sibundoy Valley located in the department of Putumayo. This field guide contains information on more than 300 species of birds observed in the valley. The guide is written in straightforward terms and is helpful regardless of your knowledge about birds. Many of your questions about birds, their habitats, and how to observe them are addressed not only for the birds in this region but also beyond.
Authors: E. Aquiles Gutiérrez Zamora, Jonh Jairo Mueses-Cisneros, M. Carolina Ramirez Enriquez, and Ingrid Vanessa Perdomo-Castillo / Collaborators: Mónica D. Lombana Luna, and Orlando Acevedo-Charry / Illustrators: E. Aquiles Gutiérrez Zamora and Jorge Eduardo Burbano / Design and Schematics: Bibiana Gómez / Coordination of Graphic Art: Juan Jose Campo M. / Maps: Saira Patricia Romo, Jimmy Laureano Calvache, and Lilia Josefina Lagos Hidalgo / Editor: F. Gary Stiles / Organization: CORPOAMAZONIA (Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de la Amazonía)
40 Common Birds of Manizales
This eBook contains forty common bird species in the urban area of Manizales in the department of Caldas. Each species is introduced with a beautiful photograph, its name in Spanish (as it is known locally), its name in English, and its scientific name. This eBook will be valuable in identifying the most frequently observed species in the city spaces.
Ecopark Network Professional: Santiago Castro R. / Guide: Hamilton Henao / Megadiversa Director: Yohany López Berna / Photographer: Fabio N. Arias / Organizations: La Red de Ecoparques de la Ciudad de Manizales, La Alcaldía de Manizales, el Instituto de Cultura y Turismo, la Secretaría de TIC y competitividad, and Corporación Megadiversa
Birds of the Virgin Swamp: Nature’s richness in Cartagena
A detailed guide of the birds living in the Virgin Swamp in Cartagena, Colombia. You will find over 100 bird species listed, all of which are accompanied by a gender-specific illustration. The birds are further detailed with several paragraphs of information including strategies for identification, their behavior, sounds, habitat, migration patterns and reproduction. Each bird comes with a map illustrating their distribution throughout the swamp. This guide contains all the necessary information needed to identify and learn about the birds of the Virgin Swamp.
Authors: Juan Carlos Linero González, Estefanía Izquierdo Gómez, Henry Augusto Tarazona Montero / Illustrations: Patricia Linero De la Cruz / Photography: Juan Carlos Linero Gonzáles / Design and Schematics: Unión Gráfica S.A.S. / Maps: Nicole Franco León / Organizations: MHC Ingenieria, Constructora Meco S.A., Concesión Costera Cartagena Barranquilla SAS, Fundación Omacha
VIP Birds – Illustrated Guidebook for the Birds of the Salamanca Island Road Park
This guide was created to provide information about the biodiversity of the Caribbean, specifically the birdlife present in the Salamanca Island Park. This guide is meant to help both locals and visitors identify the 241 species of birds located in the area. Birds are characterized by their order, family, genus and species. Additionally, icons and symbols help provide the reader with quick bits of information about each bird’s size, habitat, diet, risk of extinction and much more.
Authors: Erika Paola Ortiz Gómez / Illustrations: Luis Salcedo / Design y Schematics: Diego Quintero Candela / Cartography: Juan David Palencia Rivera / Editors: Henry Tarazona Montero, Dalila Caicedo Herrera, Iván Bernal Neira / Organizations: Vigilando Super Transporte, Concesion Costera Cartagena Barranquilla SAS, Grupo ISA, Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura, MAB Ingenieria de Valor
Interpretative Scripts: Manizales Ecopark Network
Through the interpretive scripts of the Ecopark Network of the city of Manizales, the aim is to disseminate knowledge and communicate the importance of protecting and conserving these key ecosystems which are widely enjoyed by the population. This work explores the natural, social and cultural aspects of the parks in order for the visitors to understand the interconnectedness of global ecosystems and be able to contribute to our understanding of each other and the other.
Mayor’s Office of Manizales: Carlos Mario Marín / Secretary of the Environment: Natalia Escobar Santander / Institute of Tourism and Culture of Manizales: Juan José Silva Serna / Secretary of TIC and Competition: Diego Fernando Ceballos López / Megadiversa Director: Yohany López Bernal / Photography, Design and Planning: Yinna Paola Rendón Aranzazu
Colombian Illustrated Bird Tally Sheets
In collaboration with several Colombian organizations we have co-created illustrated bird tally sheets for different regions. On the back page they have additional space for recording different species and drawing your observations (in Spanish). To download these tally sheets click on the links below.
Bogota’s Botanical Garden Bird Tally Sheet