Am I Like You?
Am I Like You? by Laura Erickson and Brian Sockin, illustrated by Anna Rettberg

The Am I Like You? – Teacher’s Guide (8 pages, free download) features activities that target national science, math, writing, and art education standards for grades K-3. Specific standard subjects are listed below. This website provides background information and digital content to complement the printable Guide.
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Supplemental Materials for the Activities in the Guide:
Activity 2. Neighborhood Bird Walk
Bird walks can be a great brain break! If you’re looking to incorporate a breath of fresh air into your and your children’s routine, try taking learning outside. During the walk, have kids stand still in complete silence for a couple of minutes and listen carefully to the birds calling around them. Can they count how many different songs they hear? Then have children use their sense of sight to try and spot as many birds as they can. Binoculars are a great tool for seeing high into the treetops or across the playground. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology K-12 Education Bird Bingo Cards are also a valuable tool on walks. Children actively search for birds while having a blast playing the game.
Activity 5. Comparing Critters
Use the following sites to help you figure out what birds are common in your area:
Sort by region, habitat, and lots of other factors to find out who your neighborhood friends are!
Activity 7. Move Like a Bird
The following videos show the ways in which different birds move. Can you imitate any of their movements?
Turkey vulture soaring:
Hummingbird hovering and “humming”:
Ostrich running:
Penguins waddling:
Bonus question: This is only one of the ways that penguins can travel. Can you name some others?
Sparrow hopping:
Activity 12. Feeding Bird Friends
For more detailed instructions on how to craft a set of pine cone feeders, as well explore other feeder options, visit our DIY Feeders page.
National Education Standards
Science Connections (SCI; Next Generation Science Standards)
- Life Science (K-3): LS1.A, LS1.B, LS1.C, LS2.D, LS3.A, LS3.B, LS4.B, LS4.C, LS4.D
- Earth & Space Science (K-3): ESS3.A, ESS3.C
Math Connections (MATH; Common Core State Standards)
- Counting & Cardinality (K): CC.B.4
- Geometry (K): G.A.1, G.B.5
- Measurement & Data
- K: MD.A.1, MD.A.2, MD.B.3
- 1: MD.C.4
- 2: MD.D.10
- 3: MD.B.3
English Language Arts (ELA; Common Core State Standards)
- Reading Literature
- K: RL.K.1, RL.K.2, RL.K.3, RL.K.5, RL.K.7, RL.K.10
- 1: RL.1.1, RL.1.2, RL.1.3, RL.1.6, RL.1.7, RL.1.10
- 2: RL.2.1, RL.2.4, RL.2.5, RL.2.6, RL.2.7
- 3: RL.3.1, RL.3.3, RL.3.5, RL3.6, RL.3.7
- Writing
- K: W.K.2, W.K.3, W.K.8
- 1: W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.7, W.1.8
- 2: W.2.2, W.2.3, W.2.8
- 3: W.3.2, W.3.3, W.3.4, W.3.7, W.3.8
- Speaking & Listening
- K: SL.K.1, SL.K.2, SL.K.3, SL.K.4, SL.K.5, SL.K.6
- 1: SL.1.1, SL.1.2, SL.1.3, SL.1.4, SL.1.5, SL.1.6
- 2: SL.2.1, SL.2.2, SL.2.4
- 3: SL.3.1, SL.3.2
Art Connections (ART; National Core Art Standards)
- Theatre (K-3)
- Creating: Cr1.1, Cr2.1
- Performing: Pr6.1
- Visual Arts (K-3)
- Creating: Cr1.1, Cr1.2, Cr2.1, Cr2.3, Cr3.1, Cr4.1
- Responding: Re7.2