Grassland Ecosystem Guide

National Resources
State of the Birds: Grassland Birds
2022. Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
North American Grasslands and Birds Report
Wilsey et. all, 2019. National Audubon
Management Strategies for Reversing Declines in Landbirds of Conservation Concern on Military Installations
Nott and Gordon, 2006.
Virginia Grassland Bird Initiative
The resources on this page provide an excellent place to start if you are a landowner looking to bring bird-friendly practices onto your landscape.
Delayed Mowing for Grassland Habitat Conservation
Suomi-Lecker, Ag Allies.
Hayfield Management and Grassland Bird Conservation
Ochterski, 2006. Cornell University Cooperative Extension.
Enhancing Pastures for Grassland Bird Conservation
Ochterski, 2005. Cornell University Cooperative Extension.
Create an Insect Buffet for Birds
Bailey et. all, 2023. Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Best Management Practices for Nesting Birds
Atwood et. all, 2017. Massachusetts Audubon.
Managing Working Lands for Northern Bobwhite: The USDA NRCS Bobwhite Restoration Project
Burger Jr. et all, 2009. U.S Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Management Considerations for Grassland Birds in Northeastern Haylands and Pasturelands
2010. U.S Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Field Management Guidelines for Virginia’s Grassland and Shrubland Birds
2021. Smithsonian’s Virginia Working Landscapes.
Managing Land in the Piedmont of Virginia for the Benefit of Birds and Other Wildlife
Wolter et. all, 2016. The Piedmont Environmental Council.
Nests Under Fire: Does it Matter? Growing-season Burns and Ground-nesting Birds
Long, 2021. Southern Fire Exchange.
Grassland Bird Use of Conservation Reserve Program fields in the Great Plains
Johnson, 2000 in Heard et al., A comprehensive review of farm bill contributions to wildlife conservation, 1985-2000.
Southern Driftless Grasslands: Reference Guide for Farmers and Landowners in Southwest Wisconsin
Becker and Keagy, 2022.
Effects of Management Practices on Grassland Birds
Johnson et al., 2004.
These reports are a series of literature syntheses on North American grassland birds produced by USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. The focus of these reports is on management of breeding habitat, particularly in the northern Great Plains. By going to this website, you will see a list of grassland bird species for which accounts are available.
Growing Grassland Birds: Best Management Practices for Grasslands to Benefit Birds in Wyoming
Wyoming Partners in Flight, 2002.
Sharing Your Land with Prairie Wildlife
Gillihan et al., 2006.
Integrating Bird Conservation into Range Management
VerCauteren and Gillihan, 2004.
Grasslands Beneficial Management Practices Tool
This tool has been created and launched by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) to provide resources to ranchers, conservation organizations, and government agencies in North America.
Herkert et al., 1993.
Best Management Practices for Shortgrass Prairie Birds
Gillihan and Hutchings.
Management of Western Forests and Grasslands for Nongame Birds
DeGraff and Tilghman, 1980.