Administration and Business Operations
We provide the essential services and support that enable our staff to succeed and our mission to soar.
Least Tern and chicks by Ray Hennessy Financial StewardshipAs stewards of the Lab’s finances, our team helps align financial capacity with strategic goals, consistent with contract expectations and donor intent to advance the Lab’s mission.
Black Skimmers by Wayne Bierbaum via Birdshare Administrative SupportOur administrative support team is the lifeline for the Lab’s mission-driven work—ensuring efficient operations from the smallest details to complex planning and processes.
Mourning Dove by Miguel Mendoza Muñoz via Birdshare Human ResourcesTo create a welcoming, inclusive place for everyone to reach their potential, we work with our staff to foster personal well-being, professional development, and workplace diversity and culture.
Snow Geese by Deborah Bifulco via Birdshare Business Service CenterWith the tremendous volume and rapid pace of the Lab’s work, we ensure efficient processing of business transactions, including purchase orders, payments, and travel reimbursements to help the Lab run smoothly.
Lab’s entrance by Dimitri Ponirakis FacilitiesOur team manages and maintains 90,000 square feet of facilities where busy staff and students conduct their work, as well as the Visitor Center and 230-acre sanctuary enjoyed by tens of thousands of visitors each year.
- Ian OwensExecutive Director
- Susan BowmanPhilanthropy Assistant
- John FitzpatrickDirector Emeritus
- Jennifer HarrisSenior Director, Operations and Staff Development
- Olivia HathawayExecutive Staff Assistant
- Judy MaracleTemporary Finance and Budget Specialist
- Diana MollerLead for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Jeff PayneManager of Facilities Operations
- Jennifer RedenbackFinancial Analyst
- Dom ReyesCustodian
- Jessica Ryan-SoucyFinancial Analyst
- Cindy SimsCustodian
- Jennifer SmithAdministrative Assistant
- Sue TaggartTemporary Data Processor
- Ben WheelerMaintenance Mechanic
- Lisa YeierTeam Lead
- Micky ZifchockAdministrative Assistant
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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library