Administrative Board
These are the current members of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Administrative Board:
Chair: Linda R. Macaulay
Ellen G. Adelson ‘58
James Adelson ‘85
John Alexander
Thomas Bacon
Robert B. Berry
James A. Branegan III ‘72
Amanda Burden
James R. Carpenter
Lizzy Chouinard
Chris Cooper
Louisa Duemling
Philip Edmundson
Scott V. Edwards
Alexander Ellis III
Nicky Falck
Russell Faucett
Carla Gomes
Peter E. Hart
Marguerite Hoffman
Ronald R. Hoy
Eric Jolly
Cathy Kling
Poppy L. McLeod
Edwin H. Morgens ‘63
Whitney Mortimer
David Moulton
Rajul Pandya
H. Charles Price
Patty Quillin
Robert Raguso
Bryce Robinson
Evelyn P. Rose
Eduardo Santana
Jennifer Speers
Mike Stern
Bob Stevenson
Eileen M. Walker ’76
K. Lisa Yang ‘74
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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library