Virtual Experiences
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Virtual Events
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Virtual Tours and More
Eastern Bluebirds by Mike Bons / Birdspotter Find Your ProjectWe have dozens of ways for you to be a part of our mission to study and protect birds.
Photo of Jane Kim painting by Jeff Szuc Virtual Tour: Wall of BirdsExplore 270 species on the Visitor Center Wall of Birds mural. Learn about evolution and biodiversity while appreciating the artwork of Jane Kim.
Photo courtesy of the Cornell Lab. What to DoExplore the Visitor Center inside and out with these guides.
Wood Duck by Evan Lipton | Macaulay Library Bird Sightings at the LabFind out which birds have been spotted around the Lab’s Sapsucker Woods.
Fall Trails by Tim Gallagher Virtual Tours: Explore Artwork and Experience Our TrailsUse the PocketSights app to explore the Visitor Center trails at Sapsucker Woods.
Eastern Meadowlark by Doug Beach Explore Archived EventsExplore our wide collection of recorded lectures and discussions about Lab programs and all things birds.
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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker by Sasha Cahill / Macaulay Library