Gustave Axelson
Editorial Director
Science Journalism • Strategic Communications • Conservation Policy
I am editorial director at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where I oversee content strategy and production for the Cornell Lab’s online and print publications. My charge is to use the power of storytelling to share the excitement of scientific research and discovery, within the Cornell Lab and around the world, with our 60,000 members and 16 million friends on the web.
B.S., Journalism, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Member, Alpha Kappa Theta national journalism honor society
Selected Articles
Araripe Manakin—Brazil’s Keeper of the Spring Waters, Spring 2018 Living Bird
Canada Jays and Climate Change, Winter 2018 Living Bird
The Colombian Coffee–Birds Connection, Autumn 2017 Living Bird
Soul Mates: Clark’s Nutcrackers and Whitebark Pines, Autumn 2015 Living Bird