Matt Strimas-Mackey

Data Scientist


Spatial Data Science • Data Visualization • Geographic Information Systems

I’m part of the eBird Status and Trends team where I use data contributed to eBird to understand spatial and temporal patterns of bird distribution and abundance. In addition, I develop tools, data products, and training materials to allow others to easily access and effectively use eBird data for scientific and conservation applications. I care deeply about bird conservation, community science, open source software, and open data, and my role at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology offers the perfect combination of these passions.


M.S., Zoology, University of British Columbia
M.S., Physics, University of Toronto
B.S., Ecology, Guelph University
B.S., Physics, University of Toronto

Recent Publications

Rodewald, A. D., A. Lello-Smith, N. R. Magliocca, K. McSweeney, M. Strimas-Mackey, S. E. Sesnie, and E. A. Nielsen (2024). Intersection of narco trafficking, enforcement and bird conservation in the Americas. Nature Sustainability 7:855–859.
Neugarten, R. A., R. Chaplin-Kramer, R. P. Sharp, R. Schuster, M. Strimas-Mackey, P. R. Roehrdanz, M. Mulligan, A. Van Soesbergen, D. Hole, C. M. Kennedy, J. R. Oakleaf, et al. (2024). Mapping the planet's critical areas for biodiversity and nature's contributions to people. Nature Communications 15:261.
Freeman, B. G., M. Strimas-Mackey, and E. T. Miller (2023). Response to comment on "Interspecific competition limits bird species' ranges on tropical mountains". Science 379:eade8043.
Chaplin-Kramer, R., R. A. Neugarten, R. P. Sharp, P. M. Collins, S. Polasky, D. Hole, R. Schuster, M. Strimas-Mackey, M. Mulligan, C. Brandon, S. Diaz, et al. (2023). Mapping the planet’s critical natural assets. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7:51–61.
Freeman, B. G., M. Strimas-Mackey, and E. T. Miller (2022). Interspecific competition limits bird species' ranges in tropical mountains. Science 377:416–420.
Schrimpf, M. B., P. G. Des Brisay, A. Johnston, A. C. Smith, J. Sánchez-Jasso, B. G. Robinson, M. H. Warrington, N. A. Mahony, A. G. Horn, M. Strimas-Mackey, L. Fahrig, and N. Koper (2021). Reduced human activity during COVID-19 alters avian land use across North America. Science Advances 7:eabf5073.
Johnston, A., W. M. Hochachka, M. E. Strimas-Mackey, V. Ruiz Gutierrez, O. J. Robinson, E. T. Miller, T. Auer, S. T. Kelling, and D. Fink (2021). Analytical guidelines to increase the value of community science data: An example using eBird data to estimate species distributions. Diversity and Distributions 27:1265–1277.
Keenan, E. L., K. J. Odom, M. Araya-Salas, K. G. Horton, M. Strimas-Mackey, M. A. Meatte, N. I. Mann, P. J. B. Slater, J. J. Price, and C. N. Templeton (2020). Breeding season length predicts duet coordination and consistency in Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287:20202482.
Scholer, M. N., M. Strimas-Mackey, and J. E. Jankowski (2020). A meta‐analysis of global avian survival across species and latitude. Ecology Letters 23:1537–1549.
Robinson, O. J., V. Ruiz Gutierrez, M. D. Reynolds, G. H. Golet, M. E. Strimas-Mackey, and D. Fink (2020). Integrating citizen science data with expert surveys increases accuracy and spatial extent of species distribution models. Diversity and Distributions 26:976–986.
Johnston, A., W. Hochachka, M. Strimas-Mackey, V. Ruiz Gutierrez, O. Robinson, E. Miller, T. Auer, S. Kelling, and D. Fink (2019). Best practices for making reliable inferences from citizen science data: Case study using eBird to estimate species distributions. bioRxiv.
Rodewald, A. D., M. Strimas-Mackey, R. Schuster, and P. Arcese (2019). Tradeoffs in the value of biodiversity feature and cost data in conservation prioritization. Scientific Reports 9:15921.
Rodewald, A. D., M. Strimas-Mackey, R. Schuster, and P. Arcese (2019). Beyond canaries in coal mines: Co-occurrence of Andean mining concessions and migratory birds. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 17:151–156.
Rodewald, A. D., R. Strimas-Mackey, R. Schuster, and P. Arcese (2019). [In press] Beyond canaries in coal mines: Co-occurrence of Andean mining concessions and migratory birds. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.
Rodewald, A. D., M. Strimas-Mackey, R. Schuster, and P. Arcese (2019). [In Press] Tradeoffs in the value of biodiversity feature and cost data in conservation prioritization. Scientific Reports.
Johnston, A., T. Auer, D. Ardia, M. E. Strimas-Mackey, M. J. Iliff, K. V. Rosenberg, S. Brown, R. Lanctot, A. D. Rodewald, and S. Kelling (2019). [In Press] Performance of abundance distributions and range maps in spatial conservation planning for migratory species. Ecological Applications.
Rodewald, A. D., A. Lello-Smith, N. R. Magliocca, K. McSweeney, M. Strimas-Mackey, S. E. Sesnie, and E. A. Nielsen (no date). [In press] America’s birds have a drug problem. Nature Sustainability.
Matt Strimas-Mackey
Center Avian Population Studies
Projects eBird

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library