Shawn Billerman
Extension Associate
At the Cornell Lab, I am a science editor with Birds of the World, an online resource and the world’s largest, most comprehensive, scholarly resource for birds that is filled with more than 11,000 species accounts and 250 family accounts. With Birds of the World, I work with authors and contributors from around the world so they can share their passion about the species that they study and update species accounts. I also work with the Clements Checklist team to help maintain taxonomy, where I have a special interest in bird families.
In addition to my work with Birds of the World, I am also broadly interested in understanding patterns of avian speciation. My past research has taken advantage of museum collections and focused on using hybrid zones to understand how intrinsic and extrinsic processes have influenced how and where species hybridize, and ultimately what factors are important to understanding reproductive isolation.
Ph.D., University of Wyoming
B.S., Cornell University