Feathered Friends

Engaging science lessons brought to you by your local birds!
Our friends at Pennington Wild Birds are working with us to educate and engage children in the pleasures of feeding and watching birds. This free download is perfect for elementary educators. These easy-to-use and fun activities will help you teach science content year-round through your local birds.
Resources and Links for Monthly Lessons
- September
What makes a bird a bird? Find out in September’s Feathered Friends lesson.
- October
What’s in your neighborhood? Take a walk and observe your local birds with October’s Feathered Friends Lesson.
- November
Learn about bird habitats in November’s Feathered Friends Lesson.
- December
Ever notice how strangely birds behave sometimes? Learn about bird behavior in December’s Feather Friends lesson.
- January
What do birds eat? Find out in January’s Feathered Friends!
- February
Be a citizen scientist! Join scientists around the world who observe and submit data with with February’s Feathered Friends lesson.
- March
Are you ready for spring migration? Learn about migration with this month’s Feathered Friends.
- April
What can you do to help the environment? Find out some ways we can create a better bird environment in April’s Feathered Friends.
- May
Do all birds sound alike? Learn about the bird songs different birds sing in this month’s Feathered Friends lesson.
- June
Why do birds build nests? Learn about bird nests this month!