Courtship Advice from Birds

With spring on the horizon and love in the air, here are some Valentine’s day tips from our feathered friends!

As spring slowly approaches in North America, we know that many species will begin puffing up their chests and filling the air with trills and chirps in hopes of attracting a mate for their future family. Worried about how good your flirting skills are? Well worry no longer, the birds are here to offer you expert advice! While we may not be able to flit about like our winged friends, we can still learn a thing or two about quarantine flirting from their courtship rituals.

Here are some diverse and fun romance tips from avian studs who always get the chick.


1) Brush up (or start working) on your dance skills

Red-Capped Manakin. Photo by Emin Yogurtcuoglu.

You can always start with a tango up a tree branch before rapidly rotating your long, filament-like tail feathers, just like a King Bird-of-Paradise. Don’t have tail feathers? Never fear! Set up an at-home dance club for you and your loved one, watch some videos, and learn the romantic art of the tango or salsa! Or, go for a more colorful and flash display. Glowsticks, neon clothes, you name it! Pick up some hip-hop or breakdancing moves to ‘wow’ your hopeful partner-to-be. Many birds-of-paradise court future mates with elaborate dances that highlight their colorful and unique feather displays.

Not a fan of the rave scene? You can always try moon-walking to some “Billie Jean”, just like the Red-capped Manakin, which uses its smooth dance skills to attract the ladies.

Superb Fairy-Wren. Photo by Kim Wormald.

2) Order some flowers

Humans aren’t the only one who’ve recognized the romantic value of flowers. The Superb Fairy-Wrens of Australia have also unlocked their secret, although with a few modifications. They bring their potential mates a flower petal as part of their courtship ritual. While this works for fairy-wrens, you may want to give an entire flower, just to be on the safe side.

3) Decorate your crib

Satin Bowerbird. Photo by David Burren.

Bowerbirds in Australia know that this works! The bowerbird will agonize over every last detail of his bower like an interior designer, from where the pile of red flowers should go, to how many shiny beetle shells look best in the bottom right hand corner of the space. While beetle shells may not impress certain people, candles and flowers are sure to bring your flirting skills up a few levels. Set up a cozy and romantic space for your partner, and go all out like the bowerbirds.  If only we could all hire bowerbirds to spruce up our places

Male Indian Peacock. Photo by Koshy Koshy

4) Get flashy

Why hide when it’s time to show off those beautiful feathers? Of course I’m talking about peacocks—and you! Strut your stuff with confidence. Peacocks proudly lift their plumage and strut when all the peahen (the ladies) are around, showing off their iridescence in a shimmering fan. If your dazzling confidence and sense of style doesn’t get your partner’s attention, you’re probably wearing the wrong feathers, er…I mean, clothes.

5) Serenade your crush

Superb Lyrebird. Photo by Lindsay Cooke.

This one is a classic. But we’re not talking mariachi band visiting the dinner table. The Superb Lyrebird can mimic any song it hears in the forest, and can even imitate some sounds from man-made objects, like chainsaws, car alarms, and camera motors! While these sounds aren’t exactly romantic, the degree to which the vocalization sounds like the original is sure to impress. Alternatively, you can always try serenading your loved one with a song you’ve written or, like the lyrebird, mimic any one of the millions of love songs that currently exist. Put your heart and soul into it, though, try staying away from sounding too much like a busy street.


So there you have it, love advice from some beaky hot shots. Try them out*, share them with friends you think could benefit** or  just relax, knowing that you don’t have to worry about strutting feathers longer than your body or sounding like a chainsaw.

* We do not take responsibility for the actions or results of any Homo sapiens attempting these rituals.
** We do not take responsibility for your friends’ reactions.