Below are just a selection of amazing stories our educators have shared with us. From citizen science, habitat improvements, bird investigations, and more, discover what incredible educators like you are doing around the world. Want to share your story? Send us an email for a chance to be highlighted on our website.
- Belize Bird Fair 2015: It’s All About Our Birds!
Crooked Tree Village hosted its first ever Bird Fair, which aimed to inspire local Belize City kids to become future conservation leaders, bird guides, and ornithologists.
- Bird watching in the species-rich sites of Kenya
Students from Eldoret Polytechnic practiced their skills in birdwatching at biodiversity-rich sites.
- Birding with BASH
Through investigation, observation and research, students at High Technology High School are improving their campus habitat.
- Building Habitat and Leadership
Through the creation of a school garden students at Edison Middle School are taking pride in their ability to help birds and other creatures while learning about ecosystems.
- Citizen Science in a Backyard Wetland Environment
Since 2009, students at Sidwell Friends Middle School have been recording wildlife sightings which have included hawks and owls.
- Detectave in Guadalajara, Mexico
The educational program Detectave teaches the public to analyze social and environmental issues as well as value the importance of conserving biodiversity.
- Detectives de Aves
San Vito Bird Club in Belize sponsored the Lab’s innovative education program, ‘Detectives de Aves’, in 16 schools reaching over 500 students.
- Engaging with the Natural World to Help Migratory Birds
Charles W. Henry School in Philadelphia has a mission to increase the size of its pollinator-friendly growing space and bird habitat.
- Food Sovereignty and Environmental Stewardship in Coffman Cove, Alaska
In an area where 95% of food is imported, the community Coffman Cove, Alaska, got together to use their empty spaces for a greater purpose.
- Full STEM Ahead For Urban NestWatch!
AP Environmental Science students at Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School in Queens, NY are helping house wrens survive. Read about their project to help house wrens thrive.
- Get Out and Play Today
Students in the After-School Program at The German American School of Portland are learning about ecosystems to find ways they can make a positive impact.
- Manatee Bay Elementary Saves the American Kestrel
Thanks to a $1,000 grant, students from Manatee Bay Elementary’s Kestrel program were able to monitor the American Kestrel throughout the state of Florida.