Does the Genome of the Florida Scrub-Jay Reveal Secrets to Survival for This Endangered Species?

Florida Scrub-Jay by Herb Elliott/Macaulay Library

How do genetics influence the survival of a species as its numbers dwindle toward extinction? It’s a big question that a small population of Florida Scrub-Jays at the Archbold Biological Station is helping to answer.

Watch the video to join scientist Nancy Chen and Cornell Lab of Ornithology director John Fitzpatrick on their quest to pair the power of genomic techniques with field observations from one of the longest-studied populations of birds.

Florida Scrub-Jays are endangered, with just 5,000 remaining in the world. With your support, Cornell Lab researchers are revealing fundamental insights into the genetic basis of species survival so that we can act to protect them before it is too late.

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library