The existing network of bird conservation partners and resources provides an excellent opportunity for land trusts to engage in conservation at different scales. This Resource Directory is designed especially for land trusts: bringing many of the resources together in one place and helping navigate the resources to find what is pertinent to land trusts. The resources can be useful for land trusts’ funding proposals, community outreach, strategic conservation planning, land acquisition and easement justification, management plan development, and monitoring. The resources on these pages are organized by four categories – Engaging People, Planning, Management Guides, Presentations and Publications, and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice.
If there are additional resources that you’ve found helpful and would like added to the site, please email us with the resource name, category in which it should be listed, online link, and a description of how it’s useful to land trusts. We value your contributions!
- 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
Every five years, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services publishes a survey about the participation rate of Americans in recreational activities, including hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching, and the economic impact of those activities. The section on wildlife watching begins on page 29 of the 2022 report.
- 2022 U.S. State of the Birds
The State of the Birds 2022 report sounds an alarm about steep population losses in virtually all habitats. The report identifies 70 Tipping Point species that have lost half or more of their breeding population since 1970, and are on tract to lose another half or more in the next 50 years.
- All About Birds
All About Birds is an online guide to birds and bird watching with information about 589 North American species – identify birds, learn about life history, listen to sounds, and watch videos of bird behavior.
- American Birding Association Code of Birding Ethics
Practice and promote respectful, enjoyable, and thoughtful birding as defined in this code published by the American Birding Association (ABA).
- Bird Academy
Bird Academy provides a collection of online courses and access to live events from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, including free online bird-related public lectures, educational videos, and birding-related games for kids.
- Bird Conservation Regions
Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) are ecologically distinct regions in North America with similar bird communities, habitats, and resource management issues.
- Birdability
Through education, outreach and advocacy, Birdability works to ensure the birding community and the outdoors are welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible for everybody.
- Birding Hotspots Website
Birding Hotspots is a non-commercial, open-source project created by two birders that collects site descriptions, valuable tips for birding, and maps of eBird hotspots from local birders.
- Birding Trails
Birding trails are scattered across North America like individual strings of pearls. These trails, covering expanses of roadway across many miles, offer birders, naturalists, and general eco-tourists grand opportunities to explore diverse habitats near home and in distant places.
- Birds of the World
Birds of the World, a powerful new subscription-based resource, compiles the most comprehensive, up-to-date ornithological data into one platform through integration of four major ornithological works.