K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics Publications

2024 Year-to-Date


Bielski, L., C. A. Cansler, K. McGinn, M. Z. Peery, and C. M. Wood (2024). Can the Hermit Warbler (Setophaga occidentalis) serve as an old-forest indicator species in the Sierra Nevada? Journal of Field Ornithology 95.
Cauzinille, J., B. Favre, R. Marxer, D. Clink, A. H. Ahmad, and A. Rey (2024). Investigating self-supervised speech models' ability to classify animal vocalizations: The case of gibbon's vocal signatures. Interspeech 2024. ISCA, pp. 132–136.
Challéat, S., N. Farrugia, J. S. P. Froidevaux, A. Gasc, and N. Pajusco (2024). A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data 11.
Clink, D. J. (2024). Isochronous rhythms: Facilitating song coordination across taxa? Current Biology 34:R201–R203.
De León-Girón, G., T. Gaona-Melo, G. Ruiz-Campos, S. Eyes, and C. Wood (2024). Vocalization recordings of the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 84.
Harrison, M. E., N. J. Deere, M. A. Imron, D. Nasir, Adul, H. A. Asti, J. Aragay Soler, N. C. Boyd, S. M. Cheyne, S. A. Collins, L. J. D'Arcy, et al. (2024). Impacts of fire and prospects for recovery in a tropical peat forest ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2307216121.
Hedwig, D., and A. Kohlberg (2024). Call combination in African forest elephants Loxodonta cyclotis. PLOS ONE 19:e0299656.
Kaatz, I. M., P. S. Lobel, and A. N. Rice (2024). Sound production and communication in catfishes. In Catfishes, a Highly Diversified Group, Vol. 1: Their Outstanding Biology. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, pp. 299–320.
Kernan, C. E., T. Robillard, S. J. Martinson, J. Dong, J. A. Hamel, L. B. Symes, and H. M. ter Hofstede (2024). Levels of Airborne Sound And Substrate-borne Vibration Calling Are Negatively Related Across Neotropical False-leaf Katydids. Integrative and Comparative Biology 64:120–133.
Kershenbaum, A., C. Akçay, L. Babu-Saheer, A. Barnhill, P. Best, J. Cauzilille, D. Clink, A. Dassow, E. Dufourq, J. Growcott, A. Markham, et al. (2024). Automatic detection for bioacoustic research: A practical guide from and for biologists and computer scientists. Biological Reviews.
Madhusudhana, S., H. Klinck, and L. B. Symes (2024). Extensive data engineering to the rescue: building a multi-species katydid detector from unbalanced, atypical training datasets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379:20230444.
Owens, A. F., K. J. Hockings, M. A. Imron, S. Madhusudhana, Mariaty, T. M. Setia, M. Sharma, S. Maimunah, F. J. F. Van Veen, and W. M. Erb (2024). Automated detection of Bornean white-bearded gibbon ( Hylobates albibarbis ) vocalizations using an open-source framework for deep learning. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156:1623–1632.
Parsons, M. J. G., A. Looby, K. Chanda, L. Di lorio, C. Erbe, F. Frazao, M. Havlik, F. Juanes, M. Lammers, S. Li, M. LIffers, et al. (2024). A global library of underwater biological sounds (GLUBS): An online platform with multiple passive acoustic monitoring applications. in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. In Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, New York.
Rice, A. N. (2024). Hearing the seas. Science 384:965.
Symes, L. B., S. Madhusudhana, S. J. Martinson, I. Geipel, and H. M. ter Hofstede (2024). Multi-year soundscape recordings and automated call detection reveals varied impact of moonlight on calling activity of neotropical forest katydids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379.
Vu, T. T., D. V. Phan, T. S. Le, and D. J. Clink (2024). Investigating hunting in a protected area in Southeast Asia using passive acoustic monitoring with mobile smartphones and deep learning. Ecological Indicators 167:112501.
Wood, C. M., and S. Kahl (2024). Guidelines for appropriate use of BirdNET scores and other detector outputs. Journal of Ornithology.
Wood, C. M., J. Socolar, S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, P. Chaon, K. Kelly, R. A. Koch, S. C. Sawyer, and H. Klinck (2024). A scalable and transferable approach to combining emerging conservation technologies to identify biodiversity change after large disturbances. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:797–808.
Wood, C. M., F. Günther, A. Rex, D. F. Hofstadter, H. Reers, S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, and H. Klinck (2024). Real-time acoustic monitoring facilitates the proactive management of biological invasions. Biological Invasions. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-024-03426-y

In Press

Bielski, L., and C. Wood (no date). [In press] Trading places: opposite colonization and extinction responses of the Hermit Warbler and Western Bluebird to the 2021 Dixie Fire. California Fish and Wildlife Journal.
McGinn, K., B. Zuckerberg, G. Jones, C. Wood, S. Kahl, S. Whitmore, H. Kramer, J. Barry, E. Ng, and M. Peery (no date). [In press] Frequent, heterogeneous fire supports a forest owl assemblage. Ecological Applications.

Non-peer Reviewed

Erb, W. M., W. Ross, H. Kazanecki, T. M. Setia, S. Madhusudhana, and D. J. Clink (2024). Vocal complexity in the long calls of Bornean orangutans. PeerJ 12:e17320.


Aceves-Bueno, E., L. Davids, J. A. Rodriguez-Valencia, A. M. Jaramillo-Legorreta, E. Nieto-Garcia, G. Cárdenas-Hinojosa, E. Hidalgo-Pla, A. Bonilla-Garzón, A. J. Diaz-de-Leon, L. Rojas-Bracho, and M. A. Cisneros-Mata (2023). Derelict gear from an illegal fishery: Lessons from gear retrieval efforts in the Upper Gulf of California. Marine Policy 147:105387.
Barlow, D. R., H. Klinck, D. Ponirakis, T. A. Branch, and L. G. Torres (2023). Environmental conditions and marine heatwaves influence blue whale foraging and reproductive effort. Ecology and Evolution 13:e9770.
Brunk, K. M., R. J. Gutiérrez, M. Z. Peery, C. A. Cansler, S. Kahl, and C. M. Wood (2023). Quail on fire: changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests. Fire Ecology 19:19.
Cañas, J. S., M. P. Toro-Gómez, L. S. M. Sugai, H. D. Benítez Restrepo, J. Rudas, B. Posso Bautista, L. F. Toledo, S. Dena, A. H. R. Domingos, F. L. de Souza, S. Neckel-Oliveira, et al. (2023). A dataset for benchmarking Neotropical anuran calls identification in passive acoustic monitoring. Scientific Data 10:1–12.
Clink, D. J., I. Kier, A. H. Ahmad, and H. Klinck (2023). A workflow for the automated detection and classification of female gibbon calls from long-term acoustic recordings. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11.
Cohen, R. E., K. E. Frasier, S. Baumann-Pickering, and J. A. Hildebrand (2023). Spatial and temporal separation of toothed whales in the western North Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 720:1–24.
D'Agostino, J., S. Spehar, A. Abdullah, and D. J. Clink (2023). Evidence for Vocal Flexibility in Wild Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) Ululating Scream Phrases. International Journal of Primatology:1–22.
Erb, W., and W. DePuy (2023). Hearing the forest through the trees: Sonic entanglements in Nusantara. Southeast Asia Program Bulletin Spring 2023:16–21.
Erb, W. M., E. J. Barrow, A. N. Hofner, J. L. Lecorchick, T. Mitra Setia, and E. R. Vogel (2023). Wildfire smoke linked to vocal changes in wild Bornean orangutans. iScience 26:107088.
Ghani, B., T. Denton, S. Kahl, and H. Klinck (2023). Global birdsong embeddings enable superior transfer learning for bioacoustic classification. Scientific Reports 13:22876.
Hack, B., C. A. Cansler, M. Z. Peery, and C. M. Wood (2023). Fine-scale forest structure, not management regime, drives occupancy of a declining songbird, the Olive-sided Flycatcher, in the core of its range. Ornithological Applications:duad065.
Hopping, W. A., C. J. Sayers II, N. R. Huaraca-Charca, and H. Klinck (2023). Simultaneous passive acoustic monitoring uncovers evidence of potentially overlooked temporal variation in an Amazonian bird community. Ibis n/a.
Iafrate, J., E. Reyier, B. Ahr, A. Carroll, A. N. Rice, G. Dossot, S. L. Watwood, and D. Murie (2023). Evidence of Atlantic midshipman (Porichthys plectrodon) vocalizations from an unmanned surface vehicle in the U.S. South Atlantica). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154:2928–2936.
Kahl, S., T. Denton, H. Klinck, H. Reers, F. Cherutich, H. Glotin, H. Goëau, W.-P. Vellinga, R. Planqué, A. Joly, and K. Yang (2023). Overview of BirdCLEF 2023: Automated Bird Species Identification in Eastern Africa 4.0. Working Notes of CLEF.
Kelly, K. G., C. M. Wood, K. McGinn, H. A. Kramer, S. C. Sawyer, S. Whitmore, D. Reid, S. Kahl, A. Reiss, J. Eiseman, W. Berigan, et al. (2023). Estimating population size for California spotted owls and barred owls across the Sierra Nevada ecosystem with bioacoustics. Ecological Indicators 154:110851.
Kennedy, A. G., A. H. Ahmad, H. Klinck, L. M. Johnson, and D. J. Clink (2023). Evidence for acoustic niche partitioning depends on the temporal scale in two sympatric Bornean hornbill species. Biotropica n/a.
Li, P., M. A. Roch, H. Klinck, E. Fleishman, D. Gillespie, E.-M. Nosal, Y. Shiu, and X. Liu (2023). Learning Stage-wise GANs for Whistle Extraction in Time-Frequency Spectrograms. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia:1–13.
Li, P., X. Liu, H. Klinck, P. Gruden, and M. A. Roch (2023). Using deep learning to track time × frequency whistle contours of toothed whales without human-annotated training data. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154:502–517.
McCullough, J. L. K., E. E. Henderson, J. S. Trickey, J. Barlow, S. Baumann-Pickering, R. Manzano-Roth, G. Alongi, S. Martin, S. Fregosi, D. K. Mellinger, H. Klinck, et al. (2023). Geographic distribution of the Cross Seamount beaked whale based on acoustic detections. Marine Mammal Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.13061
McGinn, K., S. Kahl, M. Z. Peery, H. Klinck, and C. M. Wood (2023). Feature embeddings from the BirdNET algorithm provide insights into avian ecology. Ecological Informatics 74:101995.
Ramesh, V., P. Hariharan, V. A. Akshay, P. Choksi, S. Khanwilkar, R. DeFries, and V. V. Robin (2023). Using passive acoustic monitoring to examine the impacts of ecological restoration on faunal biodiversity in the Western Ghats. Biological Conservation 282:110071.
Roberts, L., and A. N. Rice (2023). Vibrational and acoustic communication in fishes: The overlooked overlap between the underwater vibroscape and soundscape. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154:2708–2720.
Rørstadbotnen, R. A., J. Eidsvik, L. Bouffaut, M. Landrø, J. Potter, K. Taweesintananon, S. Johansen, F. Storevik, J. Jacobsen, O. Schjelderup, S. Wienecke, et al. (2023). Simultaneous tracking of multiple whales using two fiber-optic cables in the Arctic. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.
Ross, S. R. P.-J., D. P. O'Connell, J. L. Deichmann, C. Desjonquères, A. Gasc, J. N. Phillips, S. S. Sethi, C. M. Wood, and Z. Burivalova (2023). Passive acoustic monitoring provides a fresh perspective on fundamental ecological questions. Functional Ecology 37:959–975.
Schliep, E. M., A. E. Gelfand, C. W. Clark, C. M. Mayo, B. McKenna, S. E. Parks, T. M. Yack, and R. S. Schick (2023). Assessing Marine Mammal Abundance: A Novel Data Fusion. [Online.] Available at
Sethi, S. S., A. Bick, R. M. Ewers, H. Klinck, V. Ramesh, M.-N. Tuanmu, and D. A. Coomes (2023). Limits to the accurate and generalizable use of soundscapes to monitor biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution:1–6.
Soanes, L. M., D. Carter, L. B. Symes, J. C. Daltry, H. Klinck, C. Lloyd, and F. Mukhida (2023). Passive acoustic monitoring of birds in the Lesser Antilles—a useful tool for monitoring remote sites? Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 36:62–74.
Sossover, D., K. Burrows, S. Kahl, and C. M. Wood (2023). Using the BirdNET algorithm to identify wolves, coyotes, and potentially their interactions in a large audio dataset. Mammal Research.
Southall, B. L., D. Tollit, J. Amaral, C. W. Clark, and W. T. Ellison (2023). Managing human activity and marine mammals: A biologically based, relativistic risk assessment framework. Frontiers in Marine Science 10.
Taweesintananon, K., M. Landrø, J. R. Potter, S. E. Johansen, R. A. Rørstadbotnen, L. Bouffaut, H. J. Kriesell, J. K. Brenne, A. Haukanes, O. Schjelderup, and F. Storvik (2023). Distributed acoustic sensing of ocean-bottom seismo-acoustics and distant storms: A case study from Svalbard, Norway. GEOPHYSICS:1–65.
Thomsen, B., K. Copeland, M. Harte, O. Muurlink, D. Villar, B. H. Mirin, S. R. Fennell, A. Deshwal, P. Campbell, A. Pekrul, K. L. Murtough, et al. (2023). Embracing "more-than-Western" bird knowledge: A decolonial process to move from discussion to action. Ornithological Applications:duad053.
Tonetti, V., J. C. Pena, M. D. Scarpelli, L. S. Sugai, F. M. Barros, P. R. Anunciação, P. M. Santos, A. L. Tavares, and M. C. Ribeiro (2023). Landscape heterogeneity: concepts, quantification, challenges and future perspectives. Environmental Conservation:1–10.
Van Hoeck, R. V., T. J. Rowell, M. J. Dean, A. N. Rice, and S. M. Van Parijs (2023). Comparing Atlantic cod temporal spawning dynamics across a biogeographic boundary: insights from passive acoustic monitoring. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 15:e10226.
Vu, T. T., T. C. Nguyen, P. F. Doherty Jr, H. T. Nguyen, D. J. Clink, M. D. Nguyen, H. T. Dong, and T. T. Giang (2023). Using mobile smartphones and bioacoustics to monitor endangered bird species. Ibis n/a.
Vu, T. T., P. F. Doherty, H. T. Nguyen, D. J. Clink, M. D. Nguyen, H. T. Dong, S. M. Cheyne, T. T. Giang, D. V. Phan, N. T. Ta, and D. V. Tran (2023). Passive acoustic monitoring using smartphones reveals an alarming gibbon decline in a protected area in the central Annamite Mountains, Vietnam. American journal of primatology 85.
White, E. L., H. Klinck, J. M. Bull, P. R. White, and D. Risch (2023). One size fits all? Adaptation of trained CNNs to new marine acoustic environments. Ecological Informatics 78:102363.
Wood, C. M. (2023). The Yosemite toad and the invisible mountains of the Sierra Nevada. The Snowboarder’s Journal 20.
Wood, C. M., J. Champion, C. Brown, W. Brommelsiek, I. Laredo, R. Rogers, and P. Chaopricha (2023). Challenges and opportunities for bioacoustics in the study of rare species in remote environments. Conservation Science and Practice n/a:e12941.


Anunciação, P. R., L. S. M. Sugai, F. Martello, L. M. T. de Carvalho, and M. C. Ribeiro (2022). Estimating the diversity of tropical anurans in fragmented landscapes with acoustic monitoring: lessons from a sampling sufficiency perspective. Biodiversity and Conservation 31:3055–3074.
Arvind, C., V. Joshi, R. Charif, P. Jeganathan, and V. V. Robin (2022). Species detection framework using automated recording units: a case study of the Critically Endangered Jerdon's courser. Oryx:1–8.
Calsbeek, R., F. J. Zamora-Camacho, and L. B. Symes (2022). Individual contributions to group chorus dynamics influence access to mating opportunities in wood frogs. Ecology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14002
Comella, I., J. S. Tasirin, H. Klinck, L. M. Johnson, and D. J. Clink (2022). Investigating note repertoires and acoustic tradeoffs in the duet contributions of a basal haplorrhine primate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
Conant, P. C., P. Li, X. Liu, H. Klinck, E. Fleishman, D. Gillespie, E.-M. Nosal, and M. A. Roch (2022). Silbido profundo: An open source package for the use of deep learning to detect odontocete whistles. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152:3800–3808.
Estabrook, B. J., J. T. Tielens, A. Rahaman, D. W. Ponirakis, C. W. Clark, and A. N. Rice (2022). Dynamic spatiotemporal acoustic occurrence of North Atlantic right whales in the offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts Wind Energy Areas. Endangered Species Research 49:115–133.
Ghani, B., H. Klinck, and S. Hallerberg (2022). Classification of group-specific variations in songs within House Wren species using machine learning models. Ecological Informatics:101946.
Grueter, C. C., W. M. Erb, L. R. Ulibarri, and I. Matsuda (2022). Ecology and behaviour of odd-nosed colobines. In The Colobines: Natural History, Behaviour and Ecological Diversity. Cambridge University Press, pp. 156–185.
Hofstadter, D. F., N. F. Kryshak, C. M. Wood, B. P. Dotters, K. N. Roberts, K. G. Kelly, J. J. Keane, S. C. Sawyer, P. A. Shaklee, H. A. Kramer, M. Z. Gutiérrez, and M. Z. Peery (2022). Arresting the spread of invasive species in continental systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. https://doi.org/doi:10.1002/fee.2458
Joly, A., H. Goëau, S. Kahl, L. Picek, E. Cole, B. Deneu, M. Servajean, A. Durso, H. Glotin, R. Planqué, A. Navine, et al. (2022). Overview of LifeCLEF 2022: an evaluation of Machine-Learning based Species Identification and Species Distribution Prediction.
Kahl, S., A. Navine, T. Denton, H. Klinck, P. Hart, H. Glotin, H. Goëau, W.-P. Vellinga, R. Planqué, and A. Joly (2022). Overview of BirdCLEF 2022: Endangered bird species recognition in soundscape recordings. p. 1929.
Landrø, M., L. Bouffaut, H. J. Kriesell, J. R. Potter, R. A. Rørstadbotnen, K. Taweesintananon, S. E. Johansen, J. K. Brenne, A. Haukanes, O. Schjelderup, and F. Storvik (2022). Sensing whales, storms, ships and earthquakes using an Arctic fibre optic cable. Scientific Reports 12:19226.
Lau, A. R., M. Zafar, A. H. Ahmad, and D. J. Clink (2022). Investigating temporal coordination in the duet contributions of a pair-living small ape. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76:91.
Madhusudhana, S., G. Pavan, L. A. Miller, W. L. Gannon, A. Hawkins, C. Erbe, J. A. Hamel, and J. A. Thomas (2022). Choosing Equipment for Animal Bioacoustic Research. In Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1: Methods (C. Erbe and J. A. Thomas, Editors). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 37–85.
Oswald, J. N., C. Erbe, W. L. Gannon, S. Madhusudhana, and J. A. Thomas (2022). Detection and Classification Methods for Animal Sounds. In Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1: Methods (C. Erbe and J. A. Thomas, Editors). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 269–317.
Palmer, C. M., N. L. Wershoven, S. J. Martinson, H. M. ter Hofstede, W. J. Kress, and L. B. Symes (2022). Patterns of Herbivory in Neotropical Forest Katydids as Revealed by DNA Barcoding of Digestive Tract Contents. Diversity 14:152.
Palmer, K. J., G.-M. Wu, C. Clark, and H. Klinck (2022). Accounting for the Lombard effect in estimating the probability of detection in passive acoustic surveys: Applications for single sensor mitigation and monitoring. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151:67–79.
Parsons, M. J. G., T.-H. Lin, T. A. Mooney, C. Erbe, F. Juanes, M. Lammers, S. Li, S. Linke, A. Looby, S. L. Nedelec, I. Van Opzeeland, et al. (2022). Sounding the call for a global library of underwater biological sounds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
Popper, A. N., L. Hice-Dunton, E. Jenkins, D. M. Higgs, J. Krebs, A. Mooney, A. Rice, L. Roberts, F. Thomsen, K. Vigness-Raposa, D. Zeddies, and K. A. Williams (2022). Offshore wind energy development: Research priorities for sound and vibration effects on fishes and aquatic invertebrates. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America 151.
Rameau, A., K. Andreadis, V. Ganesan, M. S. Lachs, T. Rosen, F. Wang, A. Maddox, H. Klinck, S. M. Khosla, C. F. de Luzan, and S. Madhusudhana (2022). Acoustic screening of the "wet voice": proof of concept in an ex vivo canine laryngeal model. The Laryngoscope n/a.
Reid, D. S., C. M. Wood, S. A. Whitmore, W. J. Berigan, H. A. Kramer, N. F. Kryshak, J. J. Keane, S. C. Sawyer, R. J. Gutiérrez, H. Klinck, and M. Z. Peery (2022). Breeding status shapes territoriality and vocalization patterns in spotted owls. Journal of Avian Biology n/a:e02952.
Rice, A. N., S. C. Farina, A. J. Makowski, I. M. Kaatz, P. S. Lobel, W. E. Bemis, and A. H. Bass (2022). Evolutionary patterns in sound production across fishes. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110:1–12.
Swider, C. R., C. F. Gemelli, P. H. Wrege, and S. E. Parks (2022). Passive acoustic monitoring reveals behavioural response of African forest elephants to gunfire events. African Journal of Ecology n/a.
Symes, L. B., K. D. Kittelberger, S. M. Stone, R. T. Holmes, J. S. Jones, I. P. Castaneda Ruvalcaba, M. S. Webster, and M. P. Ayres (2022). Analytical approaches for evaluating passive acoustic monitoring data: A case study of avian vocalizations. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8797.
Tuia, D., B. Kellenberger, S. Beery, B. R. Costelloe, S. Zuffi, B. Risse, A. Mathis, M. W. Mathis, F. van Langevelde, T. Burghardt, R. Kays, et al. (2022). Perspectives in machine learning for wildlife conservation. Nature Communications 13:792.


Backhouse, F., A. H. Dalziell, R. D. Magrath, A. N. Rice, T. L. Crisologo, and J. A. Welbergen (2021). Differential geographic patterns in song components of male Albert's lyrebirds. Ecology and Evolution 11:2701–2716.
Bailey, H., A. D. Fandel, K. Silva, E. Gryzb, E. McDonald, A. L. Hoover, M. B. Ogburn, and A. N. Rice (2021). Identifying and predicting occurrence and abundance of a vocal animal species based on individually specific calls. Ecosphere 12:e03685.
Barlow, D. R., H. Klinck, D. Ponirakis, C. Garvey, and L. G. Torres (2021). Temporal and spatial lags between wind, coastal upwelling, and blue whale occurrence. Scientific Reports 11.
Barratt, C. D., J. D. Lester, P. Gratton, R. E. Onstein, A. K. Kalan, M. S. McCarthy, G. Bocksberger, L. C. White, L. Vigilant, P. Dieguez, B. Abdulai, et al. (2021). Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). American Journal of Primatology 83:e23320.
Bielski, L., and C. Wood (no date). [In press] Trading places: opposite colonization and extinction responses of the Hermit Warbler and Western Bluebird to the 2021 Dixie Fire. California Fish and Wildlife Journal.
Clink, D., T. Groves, A. H. Ahmad, and H. Klinck (2021). Not by the light of the moon: Investigating circadian rhythms and environmental predictors of calling in Bornean great argus. PLoS ONE 16:e0246564.
Clink, D. J., M. Zafar, A. H. Ahmad, and A. R. Lau (2021). Limited evidence for individual signatures or site-level patterns of variation in male northern gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus) duet codas. International Journal of Primatology 42:896–914.
Clink, D. J., A. R. Lau, S. Kanthaswamy, L. M. Johnson, and K. L. Bales (2021). Moderate evidence for heritability in the duet contributions of a South American primate. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:51–63.
Cusack, C., S. A. Sethi, A. N. Rice, J. D. Warren, R. Fujita, J. Ingles, J. Flores, E. Garchitorena, and S. V. Mesa (2021). Marine ecotourism for small pelagics as a source of alternative income generating activities to fisheries in a tropical community. Biological Conservation 261:109242.
Dalziell, A. H., A. C. Maisey, R. D. Magrath, and J. A. Welbergen (2021). Male lyrebirds create a complex acoustic illusion of a mobbing flock during courtship and copulation. Current Biology:S0960982221002104.
DeGregorio, B. A., P. J. Wolff, and A. N. Rice (2021). Evaluating hydrophones for detecting underwater-calling frogs: implications for monitoring imperiled species. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16:513–524.
Duporge, I., M. P. Spiegel, E. R. Thomson, T. Chapman, C. Lamberth, C. Pond, D. W. Macdonald, T. Wang, and H. Klinck (2021). Determination of optimal flight altitude to minimise acoustic drone disturbance to wildlife using species audiograms. Methods in Ecology and Evolution n/a.
Epp, M. V., M. E. H. Fournet, G. K. Silber, and G. K. Davoren (2021). Allopatric humpback whales of differing generations share call types between foraging and wintering grounds. Scientific Reports 11.
Epp, M. V., M. E. H. Fournet, and G. K. Davoren (2021). Humpback whale call repertoire on a northeastern Newfoundland foraging ground. Marine Mammal Science n/a.
Fournet, M. E. H., M. Silvestri, C. W. Clark, H. Clink, and A. N. Rice (2021). Limited vocal compensation for elevated ambient noise in bearded seals: implications for an industrializing Arctic Ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288.
Gabriele, C. M., D. W. Ponirakis, and H. Klinck (2021). Underwater Sound Levels in Glacier Bay During Reduced Vessel Traffic Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
Goldenberg, S. Z., A. K. Turkalo, P. H. Wrege, D. Hedwig, and G. Wittemyer (2021). Entry and aggregation at a Central African bai reveal social patterns in the elusive forest elephant Loxodonta cyclotis. Animal Behaviour 171:77–85.
Hedwig, D., J. Poole, and P. Granli (2021). Does social complexity drive vocal complexity? Insights from the two African elephant species. Animals 11:3071.
Hofstadter, D. F., N. F. Kryshak, M. W. Gabriel, C. M. Wood, G. M. Wengert, B. P. Dotters, K. N. Roberts, E. D. Fountain, K. G. Kelly, J. J. Keane, S. A. Whitmore, et al. (2021). High rates of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in California Barred Owls are associated with the wildland–urban interface. Ornithological Applications.
Injaian, A. S., E. D. Lane, and H. Klinck (2021). Aircraft events correspond with vocal behavior in a passerine. Scientific Reports.
Kahl, S., C. M. Wood, M. Eibl, and H. Klinck (2021). BirdNET: A deep learning solution for avian diversity monitoring. Ecological Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101236
Kahl, S., T. Denton, H. Klinck, H. Glotin, H. Goëau, W. Vellinga, R. Planque, and A. Joly (2021). Overview of BirdCLEF 2021: Bird call identification in soundscape recordings. CLEF 2021.
Kavanagh, E., S. E. Street, F. O. Angwela, T. J. Bergman, M. B. Blaszczyk, L. M. Bolt, M. Briseño-Jaramillo, M. Brown, C. Chen-Kraus, Z. Clay, C. Coye, et al. (2021). Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science 8:210873.
Kendall-Bar, J., N. Kendall-Bar, A. G. Forbes, G. McDonald, P. J. Ponganis, C. Williams, M. Horning, A. Hindle, H. Klinck, R. S. Beltran, A. S. Friedlaender, et al. (2021). Visualizing life in the deep: a creative pipeline for data-driven animations to facilitate marine mammal research, outreach, and conservation. IEEE VISAP.
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Madhusudhana, S., Y. Shiu, H. Klinck, E. Fleishman, X. Liu, E.-M. Nosal, T. Helble, D. Cholewiak, D. Gillespie, A. Širović, and M. A. Roch (2021). Improve automatic detection of animal call sequences with temporal context. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18:20210297.
Martin, S. B., B. J. Gaudet, H. Klinck, P. J. Dugan, J. L. Miksis-Olds, D. K. Mellinger, D. A. Mann, O. Boebel, C. C. Wilson, D. Ponirakis, and H. Moors-Murphy (2021). Hybrid millidecade spectra: A practical format for exchange of long-term ambient sound data. JASA Express Letters 1.
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Wood, C. M., S. Kahl, P. Chaon, M. Z. Peery, and H. Klinck (2021). Survey coverage, recording duration and community composition affect observed species richness in passive acoustic surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13571
Wood, C. M., N. Kryshak, M. Gustafson, D. F. Hofstadter, B. Hobart, S. A. Whitmore, B. P. Dotters, K. N. Roberts, J. J. Keane, R. J. Gutierrez, and M. Z. Peery (2021). Density dependence influences competition and hybridization at an invasion front. Diversity and Distributions 27:901–912.
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For earlier references, please see the main Publications page.

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library