Center for Engagement in Science and Nature Publications

2024 Year-to-Date


Dayer, A. A., P. C. Pototsky, R. J. Hall, D. M. Hawley, T. B. Phillips, D. N. Bonter, A. M. Dietsch, E. Greig, and W. M. Hochachka (2024). Birds are not the only ones impacted by guidance to cease bird feeding. People and Nature 6:20–26.
Leighton, G. M., J. P. Drury, J. Small, and E. T. Miller (2024). Unfamiliarity generates costly aggression in interspecific avian dominance hierarchies. Nature Communications 15:335.
Rohwer, V. G., J. L. Houtz, M. N. Vitousek, R. L. Bailey, and E. T. Miller (2024). The evolution of using shed snake skin in bird nests. The American Naturalist:733208.
Stone, M. M., H. Afriandi, F. N. Suwanda, A. Andono, R. Mahmud, O. K. Khairani, A. B. Clark, M. Webster, K. McGowan, and R. W. Radcliffe (2024). Symbiosis between the Javan rhinoceros and slender-billed crow: A novel inferred cleaning mutualism. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70224.

In Press

Phillips, T. B., C. Hebbard, and R. Karl (no date). [In press] Measuring science identity in girls through citizen science: It’s complicated. International Journal of Science Education.
Watkins, L., D. N. Bonter, P. J. Sullivan, and M. T. Walter (no date). [In press] Methods for monitoring urban street litter: A comparison of municipal audits and an app-based citizen science approach. Environmental Science: Advances.


Radestdky, L., and J. Wang (2024). Birds and Buildings: Finding Lighting Solutions. Facilitiesnet. [Online.] Available at


Bailey, R. L., L. Larson, and D. N. Bonter (2023). NestWatch: An open-access, long-term data set on avian reproductive success. Ecology:e4230.
Becker-Klein, R., C. Davis, T. B. Phillips, V. D. Bianco, A. G. Nelson, and E. C. Ronning (2023). Using shared embedded assessment tools to understand participant skills: processes and lessons learned. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8:20.
Berberi, I., E. T. Miller, and R. Dakin (2023). The effect of sociality on competitive interactions among birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290:20221894.
Bianco, V. D., K. Peterman, R. Becker-Klein, C. M. Davis, A. Grover, and T. Phillips (2023). Cross-project analysis of volunteers' scientific observation skills. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8:54.
Bonter, D. N., V. Y. Martin, E. I. Greig, and T. B. Phillips (2023). Participant retention in a continental-scale citizen science project increases with the diversity of species detected. BioScience 73:433–440.
Davis, C., and T. Phillips (2023). What are the intended IMPACTS of YOUR community science project?
Lauder, K. (2023). Understanding the lived experience of neurodivergent and disabled staff and students in a US higher education institution. Bristol, United Kingdom.
Leighton, G. M., D. Lamour, K. Malcolm, and E. T. Miller (2023). Both morphological and behavioral traits predict interspecific social dominance in birds. Journal of Ornithology 164:163–169.
Mady, R. P., T. B. Phillips, D. N. Bonter, C. Quimby, J. Borland, C. Eldermire, B. T. Walters, S. A. Parry, and M. Chu (2023). Engagement in the data collection phase of the scientific process is key for enhancing learning gains. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8:14.
Phillips, T., and H. Ballard (2023). Informal learning through citizen science: authentic, meaningful, impactful. In Amplifying Informal Science Learning. Routledge, p. 388.
Phillips, T., and C. Hebbard (2023). Enhancing nature connection among adolescent girls through gender equitable teaching strategies. Tempe, AZ.
Phillips, T., and C. Hebbard (2023). The role of gender equitable multimedia and citizen science experiences on girls’ STEM identities. Charlotte, NC.
Phillips, T. B., N. M. Wells, A. H. Brown, J. R. Tralins, and D. N. Bonter (2023). Nature and well-being: The association of nature engagement and well-being during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. People and Nature 5:607–620.
Townsend, A. K., M. L. Jones, N. Chen, C. Chivily, C. McAndrews, A. B. Clark, K. J. McGowan, and J. Eimes (2023). Increased genetic diversity and immigration after West Nile virus emergence in American crows: No evidence for a genetic bottleneck. Molecular Ecology 32:4199–4208.


Davis, C., V. Del Bianco, K. Peterman, A. Grover, T. Phillips, and R. Becker-Klein (2022). Diverse and important ways evaluation can support and advance citizen science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 7:30.
Gustina, M., E. Guinnee, R. Bonney, and H. Decker (2022). Pathways to Well-being: Public Library Service in Rural Communities. Journal of New Librarianship 7:159–189.
Hagler, S. J., A. Gibbons, J. C. Bednarz, W. S. Clark, and D. N. Bonter (2022). Nest provisioning and sociality at Harris's Hawk nests in South Texas. Journal of Raptor Research 56:161–170.
Hochachka, W. (2022). Project FeederWatch: Zero-filling and taxonomic roll-up. [Online.] Available at
Independent Community Based Organizations and Allies (2022). The importance of funding communities directly.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds California (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Midwest: Midwest US and Canada (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Northwest: Northwest US and Canada (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Northeast: Northeast US and Canada (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Southeast  (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Southwest (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Leichter, J. (Editor) (2022). All About Birds Texas and Oklahoma (from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Regional Field-Guide Series). Princeton University Press.
Miller, E. T., O. Mac Aodha, E. I. Greig, D. N. Bonter, and W. M. Hochachka (2022). Congeneric predators fill discrete niches created by the relative abundances of their prey species. Journal of Avian Biology n/a:e02934.
Rosenblatt, C. J., A. A. Dayer, J. N. Duberstein, T. B. Phillips, H. W. Harshaw, D. C. Fulton, N. W. Cole, A. H. Raedeke, J. D. Rutter, and C. L. Wood (2022). Highly specialized recreationists contribute the most to the citizen science project eBird. Ornithological Applications:duac008.


Bailey, R. L., D. S. Cooper, S. Corrao, K. Leung, and C. McCammon (2021). Persistence amid a pandemic: Community-based nest monitoring participation soars. The Wildlife Professional 15:42–45.
Berigan, L. A., E. I. Greig, and D. N. Bonter (2021). Urban House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations decline in North America. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:248–258.
Bonney, R. (2021). Expanding the Impact of Citizen Science. BioScience 71:448–451.
Bonney, R., J. Byrd, J. T. Carmichael, L. Cunningham, L. Oremland, J. Shirk, and A. Von Harten (2021). Sea Change: Using Citizen Science to Inform Fisheries Management. BioScience 71:519–530.
Dzielski, S. A., R. L. Bailey, F. Fernandez‐Duque, and D. N. Bonter (2021). Supplemental feeding of insect larvae increases mass of nestling Eastern Bluebirds, but not nestling Black‐capped Chickadees. Journal of Field Ornithology 92:294–303.
Greig, E. I., E. Kinnebrew, M. L. Witynski, and E. C. Larsen (2021). A desert songbird with no confamilials in the Western Hemisphere (Verdin, Auriparus flaviceps ) investigates divergent conspecific songs. Ornithology 138:ukab032.
Hughes, E. J., R. P. Mady, and D. N. Bonter (2021). Evaluating the accuracy and biological meaning of visits to RFID-enabled bird feeders using video. Ecology and Evolution 11:17132–17141.
Mady, R. P., M. Hochachka, and D. N. Bonter (2021). Consistency in supplemental food availability affects the space use of wintering birds. Behavioral Ecology 32:580–589.
Odom, K. J., K. E. Cain, M. L. Hall, N. E. Langmore, R. A. Mulder, S. Kleindorfer, J. Karubian, L. Brouwer, E. D. Enbody, J. A. Jones, J. L. Dowling, et al. (2021). Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in fairy-wrens. Ecology and Evolution 11:17901–17919.
Phillips, T. B., R. L. Bailey, V. Martin, H. Faulkner-Grant, and D. N. Bonter (2021). The role of citizen science in management of invasive avian species: What people think, know, and do. Journal of Environmental Management 280:111709.
Phillips, T. B., A. Parker, A. Bowser, and M. Haklay (2021). Publicly generated data: the role of Citizen-Science for knowledge production, action, and public engagement. In Closing the knowledge-implementation gap in conservation science - Evidence transfer across spatiotemporal scales and different stakeholders (C. Ferreira and C. F. C. Klütsch, Editors). Springer International Publishing, Basel.
Sayers, C. J., M. R. Roeder, L. M. Forrette, D. Roche, G. L. B. Dupont, S. E. Apgar, A. R. Kocek, A. M. Cook, W. G. Shriver, C. S. Elphick, B. Olsen, and D. N. Bonter (2021). Geographic variation of mercury in breeding tidal marsh sparrows of the northeastern United States. Ecotoxicology.
Thompson, M., and V. Greene (2021). Winged Heroes: For All Birdkind. Cornell Lab Publishing Group.
Trautmann, N. M., L. Branch, R. R. Wingerden, M. Watkins, J. Ort, and K. Deal (2021). From local to global: Calculating and appreciating the value of trees and forests. The Science Teacher; Washington 88:54–61.
Wardropper, C. B., A. A. Dayer, M. S. Goebel, and V. Y. Martin (2021). Conducting conservation social science surveys online. Conservation Biology:9.
Williams, A., A. A. Dayer, J. N. Hernandez‐Aguilera, T. B. Phillips, H. Faulkner‐Grant, M. I. Gómez, and A. D. Rodewald (2021). Tapping birdwatchers to promote bird-friendly coffee consumption and conserve birds. People and Nature 3:312–324.

For earlier references, please see the main Publications page.

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Golden-cheeked Warbler by Bryan Calk/Macaulay Library